About this Code
Hello reader, I am atzedent. Nice to meet you again in this free code sharing website. In this post I am going to explain about Perspective.
If you are new to this website, we recommend you to subscribe to our youtube channel and watch the videos. Ok lets dive into the code.
These are the output images of the code. You can click on the image to enlarge it. also you can click the try it button to see the output.
Youtube Tutorial Video
If you are a visual learner and want to learn how to use this code, you can watch the video below.
and also this video contains the clear step by step explanation and the output of the code.
Source Code
This is the source code of the code. You can copy and paste the code to your editor.
@charset "UTF-8";
@import url(https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Nunito+Sans:300,400,600,700,800);
:before {
box-sizing: border-box;
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inset -0.125rem -0.125rem 0.125rem rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
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background: repeating-linear-gradient(0deg, #000a, #1119, #000a .25rem);
padding: 1em;
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color: #fefefe;
tab-size: 2;
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outline: none;
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padding-top: .5em;
color: firebrick;
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text-wrap: pretty;
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content: '';
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background: #aef;
animation: pulse 2s infinite;
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opacity: 1;
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transform: scale(.98);
filter: blur(2px);
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transform: scale(1.025, 1.1);
.controls:hover {
background: #111f;
@keyframes pulse {
0% {
transform: scale(1);
50% {
transform: scale(1.0125);
100% {
transform: scale(1);
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display: none !important;
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text-align: center;
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width: 1.25em;
#btnToggleView::after {
content: '👁';
#btnToggleView:checked::after {
content: '✏️';
#btnToggleResolution::after {
content: '1️⃣';
#btnToggleResolution:checked::after {
content: '2️⃣';
#btnReset::after {
content: '⏮️';
console.log("Event Fired")
* made by Matthias Hurrle (@atzedent)
let editMode = false // set to false to hide the code editor on load
let resolution = .5 // set 1 for full resolution or to .5 to start with half resolution on load
let renderDelay = 1000 // delay in ms before rendering the shader after a change
let dpr = Math.max(1, resolution * window.devicePixelRatio)
let frm, source, editor, store, renderer, pointers
const shaderId = 'It Is All Just a Reflection'
window.onload = init
function resize() {
const { innerWidth: width, innerHeight: height } = window
canvas.width = width * dpr
canvas.height = height * dpr
if (renderer) {
function toggleView() {
editor.hidden = btnToggleView.checked
function reset() {
let shader = source
editor.text = shader ? shader.textContent : renderer.defaultSource
store.putShaderSource(shaderId, editor.text)
function toggleResolution() {
resolution = btnToggleResolution.checked ? .5 : 1
dpr = Math.max(1, resolution * window.devicePixelRatio)
function loop(now) {
frm = requestAnimationFrame(loop)
function renderThis() {
store.putShaderSource(shaderId, editor.text)
const result = renderer.test(editor.text)
if (result) {
} else {
cancelAnimationFrame(frm) // Always cancel the previous frame!
const debounce = (fn, delay) => {
let timerId
return (...args) => {
timerId = setTimeout(() => fn.apply(this, args), delay)
const render = debounce(renderThis, renderDelay)
function init() {
source = document.querySelector("script[type='x-shader/x-fragment']")
document.title = "🎢"
renderer = new Renderer(canvas, dpr)
pointers = new PointerHandler(canvas, dpr)
store = new Store(window.location)
editor = new Editor(codeEditor, error, indicator)
editor.text = source.textContent
if (!editMode) {
btnToggleView.checked = true
if (resolution === .5) {
btnToggleResolution.checked = true
canvas.addEventListener('shader-error', e => editor.setError(e.detail))
if (renderer.test(source.textContent) === null) {
window.onresize = resize
window.addEventListener("keydown", e => {
if (e.key === "L" && e.ctrlKey) {
btnToggleView.checked = !btnToggleView.checked
class Renderer {
#vertexSrc = "#version 300 es\nprecision highp float;\nin vec4 position;\nvoid main(){gl_Position=position;}"
#fragmtSrc = "#version 300 es\nprecision highp float;\nout vec4 O;\nuniform float time;\nuniform vec2 resolution;\nvoid main() {\n\tvec2 uv=gl_FragCoord.xy/resolution;\n\tO=vec4(uv,sin(time)*.5+.5,1);\n}"
#vertices = [-1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1]
constructor(canvas, scale) {
this.canvas = canvas
this.scale = scale
this.gl = canvas.getContext("webgl2")
this.gl.viewport(0, 0, canvas.width * scale, canvas.height * scale)
this.shaderSource = this.#fragmtSrc
this.mouseMove = [0, 0]
this.mouseCoords = [0, 0]
this.pointerCoords = [0, 0]
this.nbrOfPointers = 0
get defaultSource() { return this.#fragmtSrc }
updateShader(source) {
this.shaderSource = source
updateMove(deltas) {
this.mouseMove = deltas
updateMouse(coords) {
this.mouseCoords = coords
updatePointerCoords(coords) {
this.pointerCoords = coords
updatePointerCount(nbr) {
this.nbrOfPointers = nbr
updateScale(scale) {
this.scale = scale
this.gl.viewport(0, 0, this.canvas.width * scale, this.canvas.height * scale)
compile(shader, source) {
const gl = this.gl
gl.shaderSource(shader, source)
if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
this.canvas.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('shader-error', { detail: gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader) }))
test(source) {
let result = null
const gl = this.gl
const shader = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER)
gl.shaderSource(shader, source)
if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) {
result = gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader)
if (gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.DELETE_STATUS)) {
return result
reset() {
const { gl, program, vs, fs } = this
if (!program || gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.DELETE_STATUS)) return
if (gl.getShaderParameter(vs, gl.DELETE_STATUS)) {
gl.detachShader(program, vs)
if (gl.getShaderParameter(fs, gl.DELETE_STATUS)) {
gl.detachShader(program, fs)
setup() {
const gl = this.gl
this.vs = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER)
this.fs = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER)
this.compile(this.vs, this.#vertexSrc)
this.compile(this.fs, this.shaderSource)
this.program = gl.createProgram()
gl.attachShader(this.program, this.vs)
gl.attachShader(this.program, this.fs)
if (!gl.getProgramParameter(this.program, gl.LINK_STATUS)) {
init() {
const { gl, program } = this
this.buffer = gl.createBuffer()
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.buffer)
gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(this.#vertices), gl.STATIC_DRAW)
const position = gl.getAttribLocation(program, "position")
gl.vertexAttribPointer(position, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0)
program.resolution = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "resolution")
program.time = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "time")
program.move = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "move")
program.touch = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "touch")
program.pointerCount = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "pointerCount")
program.pointers = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "pointers")
render(now = 0) {
const { gl, program, buffer, canvas, mouseMove, mouseCoords, pointerCoords, nbrOfPointers } = this
if (!program || gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.DELETE_STATUS)) return
gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 1)
gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer)
gl.uniform2f(program.resolution, canvas.width, canvas.height)
gl.uniform1f(program.time, now * 1e-3)
gl.uniform2f(program.move, ...mouseMove)
gl.uniform2f(program.touch, ...mouseCoords)
gl.uniform1i(program.pointerCount, nbrOfPointers)
gl.uniform2fv(program.pointers, pointerCoords)
gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4)
class Store {
constructor(key) {
this.key = key
this.store = window.localStorage
#ownShadersKey = 'ownShaders'
#StorageType = Object.freeze({
shader: 'fragmentSource',
config: 'config'
#getKeyPrefix(type) {
return `${type}${btoa(this.key)}`
#getKey(type, name) {
return `${this.#getKeyPrefix(type)}${btoa(name)}`
putShaderSource(name, source) {
const storageType = this.#StorageType.shader
this.store.setItem(this.#getKey(storageType, name), source)
getShaderSource(name) {
const storageType = this.#StorageType.shader
return this.store.getItem(this.#getKey(storageType, name))
deleteShaderSource(name) {
const storageType = this.#StorageType.shader
this.store.removeItem(this.#getKey(storageType, name))
/** @returns {{title:string, uuid:string}[]} */
getOwnShaders() {
const storageType = this.#StorageType.config
const result = this.store.getItem(this.#getKey(storageType, this.#ownShadersKey))
return result ? JSON.parse(result) : []
/** @param {{title:string, uuid:string}[]} shader */
putOwnShader(shader) {
const ownShaders = this.getOwnShaders()
const storageType = this.#StorageType.config
const index = ownShaders.findIndex((s) => s.uuid === shader.uuid)
if (index === -1) {
} else {
ownShaders[index] = shader
this.store.setItem(this.#getKey(storageType, this.#ownShadersKey), JSON.stringify(ownShaders))
deleteOwnShader(uuid) {
const ownShaders = this.getOwnShaders()
const storageType = this.#StorageType.config
this.store.setItem(this.#getKey(storageType, this.#ownShadersKey), JSON.stringify(ownShaders.filter((s) => s.uuid !== uuid) ))
/** @param {string[]} keep The names of the shaders to keep*/
cleanup(keep=[]) {
const storageType = this.#StorageType.shader
const ownShaders = this.getOwnShaders().map((s) => this.#getKey(storageType, s.uuid))
const premadeShaders = keep.map((name) => this.#getKey(storageType, name))
const keysToKeep = [...ownShaders, ...premadeShaders]
const result = []
for (let i = 0; i < this.store.length; i++) {
const key = this.store.key(i)
if (key.startsWith(this.#getKeyPrefix(this.#StorageType.shader)) && !keysToKeep.includes(key)) {
result.forEach((key) => this.store.removeItem(key))
class PointerHandler {
constructor(element, scale) {
this.scale = scale
this.active = false
this.pointers = new Map()
this.lastCoords = [0,0]
this.moves = [0,0]
const map = (element, scale, x, y) => [x * scale, element.height - y * scale]
element.addEventListener("pointerdown", (e) => {
this.active = true
this.pointers.set(e.pointerId, map(element, this.getScale(), e.clientX, e.clientY))
element.addEventListener("pointerup", (e) => {
if (this.count === 1) {
this.lastCoords = this.first
this.active = this.pointers.size > 0
element.addEventListener("pointerleave", (e) => {
if (this.count === 1) {
this.lastCoords = this.first
this.active = this.pointers.size > 0
element.addEventListener("pointermove", (e) => {
if (!this.active) return
this.lastCoords = [e.clientX, e.clientY]
this.pointers.set(e.pointerId, map(element, this.getScale(), e.clientX, e.clientY))
this.moves = [this.moves[0]+e.movementX, this.moves[1]+e.movementY]
getScale() {
return this.scale
updateScale(scale) { this.scale = scale }
reset() {
this.active = false
this.moves = [0,0]
get count() {
return this.pointers.size
get move() {
return this.moves
get coords() {
return this.pointers.size > 0 ? Array.from(this.pointers.values()).map((p) => [...p]).flat() : [0, 0]
get first() {
return this.pointers.values().next().value || this.lastCoords
class Editor {
constructor(textarea, errorfield, errorindicator) {
this.textarea = textarea
this.errorfield = errorfield
this.errorindicator = errorindicator
textarea.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeydown.bind(this))
textarea.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll.bind(this))
get hidden() { return this.textarea.classList.contains('hidden') }
set hidden(value) { value ? this.#hide() : this.#show() }
get text() { return this.textarea.value }
set text(value) { this.textarea.value = value }
get scrollTop() { return this.textarea.scrollTop }
set scrollTop(value) { this.textarea.scrollTop = value }
setError(message) {
this.errorfield.innerHTML = message
const match = message.match(/ERROR: \d+:(\d+):/)
const lineNumber = match ? parseInt(match[1]) : 0
const overlay = document.createElement('pre')
overlay.textContent = '\n'.repeat(lineNumber)
const offsetTop = parseInt(getComputedStyle(overlay).height)
this.errorindicator.style.setProperty('--top', offsetTop + 'px')
this.errorindicator.style.visibility = 'visible'
clearError() {
this.errorfield.textContent = ''
this.errorindicator.style.visibility = 'hidden'
focus() {
#hide() {
for (const el of [this.errorindicator, this.errorfield, this.textarea]) {
#show() {
for (const el of [this.errorindicator, this.errorfield, this.textarea]) {
handleScroll() {
this.errorindicator.style.setProperty('--scroll-top', `${this.textarea.scrollTop}px`)
handleKeydown(event) {
if (event.key === "Tab") {
} else if (event.key === "Enter") {
handleTabKey(shiftPressed) {
if (this.#getSelectedText() !== "") {
if (shiftPressed) {
} else {
#getSelectedText() {
const editor = this.textarea
const start = editor.selectionStart
const end = editor.selectionEnd
return editor.value.substring(start, end)
#indentAtCursor() {
const editor = this.textarea
const cursorPos = editor.selectionStart
document.execCommand('insertText', false, '\t')
editor.selectionStart = editor.selectionEnd = cursorPos + 1
#indentSelectedText() {
const editor = this.textarea
const cursorPos = editor.selectionStart
const selectedText = this.#getSelectedText()
const lines = selectedText.split('\n')
const indentedText = lines.map(line => '\t' + line).join('\n')
document.execCommand('insertText', false, indentedText)
editor.selectionStart = cursorPos
#unindentSelectedText() {
const editor = this.textarea
const cursorPos = editor.selectionStart
const selectedText = this.#getSelectedText()
const lines = selectedText.split('\n')
const indentedText = lines.map(line => line.replace(/^\t/, '').replace(/^ /, '')).join('\n')
document.execCommand('insertText', false, indentedText)
editor.selectionStart = cursorPos
handleEnterKey() {
const editor = this.textarea
const visibleTop = editor.scrollTop
const cursorPosition = editor.selectionStart
let start = cursorPosition - 1
while (start >= 0 && editor.value[start] !== '\n') {
let newLine = ''
while (start < cursorPosition - 1 && (editor.value[start + 1] === ' ' || editor.value[start + 1] === '\t')) {
newLine += editor.value[start + 1]
document.execCommand('insertText', false, '\n' + newLine)
editor.selectionStart = editor.selectionEnd = cursorPosition + 1 + newLine.length
editor.scrollTop = visibleTop // Prevent the editor from scrolling
const lineHeight = editor.scrollHeight / editor.value.split('\n').length
const line = editor.value.substring(0, cursorPosition).split('\n').length
// Do the actual layout calculation in order to get the correct scroll position
const visibleBottom = editor.scrollTop + editor.clientHeight
const lineTop = lineHeight * (line - 1)
const lineBottom = lineHeight * (line + 2)
// If the cursor is outside the visible range, scroll the editor
if (lineTop < visibleTop) editor.scrollTop = lineTop
if (lineBottom > visibleBottom) editor.scrollTop = lineBottom - editor.clientHeight
And also you can click the try it button to see the output of the code in our web Code Playground.
You can also download the code to the zip format by clicking the download button. The download process is little bit complex, you need ti await for 10 seconds. after that you can download the code by clicking the generated download link.
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