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.card h2 Happy Holidays svg(xmlns='' version='1.1').squigglysvg defs filter#squiggly-0 feturbulence#turbulence(basefrequency='.01' numoctaves='3' result='noise' seed='50') animate( attributeName="baseFrequency", from="1", to="1", values=".01;.01;.0001;.0005;.01" keyTimes="0;0.3;0.5;0.8;1" dur="8s", repeatCount="indefinite" ) fedisplacementmap#displacement(in='SourceGraphic' in2='noise' scale='50') animate( attributeName="scale", from="0", to="0", values="0;0;10000;0" keyTimes="0;0.3;0.7;1" dur="8s", repeatCount="indefinite" ) filter#squiggly-1 feturbulence#turbulence(basefrequency='0.005' numoctaves='3' result='noise' seed='1') fedisplacementmap(in='SourceGraphic' in2='noise' scale='8')
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console.log("Event Fired")