Frontend Forever App
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console.log("Event Fired") /********* * made by Matthias Hurrle (@atzedent) */ let editMode = false // set to false to hide the code editor on load let resolution = 1 // set 1 for full resolution or to .5 to start with half resolution on load let renderDelay = 1000 // delay in ms before rendering the shader after a change let dpr = Math.max(1, resolution * window.devicePixelRatio) let frm, source, editor, store, renderer, pointers const shaderId = 'Shader written as a series of defines' window.onload = init function resize() { const { innerWidth: width, innerHeight: height } = window canvas.width = width * dpr canvas.height = height * dpr if (renderer) { renderer.updateScale(dpr) } } function toggleView() { editor.hidden = btnToggleView.checked } function reset() { let shader = source editor.text = shader ? shader.textContent : renderer.defaultSource store.putShaderSource(shaderId, editor.text) renderThis() } function toggleResolution() { resolution = btnToggleResolution.checked ? .5 : 1 dpr = Math.max(1, resolution * window.devicePixelRatio) pointers.updateScale(dpr) resize() } function loop(now) { renderer.updateMouse(pointers.first) renderer.updatePointerCount(pointers.count) renderer.updatePointerCoords(pointers.coords) renderer.updateMove(pointers.move) renderer.render(now) frm = requestAnimationFrame(loop) } function renderThis() { editor.clearError() store.putShaderSource(shaderId, editor.text) const result = renderer.test(editor.text) if (result) { editor.setError(result) } else { renderer.updateShader(editor.text) } cancelAnimationFrame(frm) // Always cancel the previous frame! loop(0) } const debounce = (fn, delay) => { let timerId return (...args) => { clearTimeout(timerId) timerId = setTimeout(() => fn.apply(this, args), delay) } } const render = debounce(renderThis, renderDelay) function init() { source = document.querySelector("script[type='x-shader/x-fragment']") document.title = "🎢" renderer = new Renderer(canvas, dpr) pointers = new PointerHandler(canvas, dpr) store = new Store(window.location) editor = new Editor(codeEditor, error, indicator) editor.text = source.textContent renderer.setup() renderer.init() if (!editMode) { btnToggleView.checked = true toggleView() } if (resolution === .5) { btnToggleResolution.checked = true toggleResolution() } canvas.addEventListener('shader-error', e => editor.setError(e.detail)) resize() if (renderer.test(source.textContent) === null) { renderer.updateShader(source.textContent) } loop(0) window.onresize = resize window.addEventListener("keydown", e => { if (e.key === "L" && e.ctrlKey) { e.preventDefault() btnToggleView.checked = !btnToggleView.checked toggleView() } }) } class Renderer { #vertexSrc = "#version 300 es\nprecision highp float;\nin vec4 position;\nvoid main(){gl_Position=position;}" #fragmtSrc = "#version 300 es\nprecision highp float;\nout vec4 O;\nuniform float time;\nuniform vec2 resolution;\nvoid main() {\n\tvec2 uv=gl_FragCoord.xy/resolution;\n\tO=vec4(uv,sin(time)*.5+.5,1);\n}" #vertices = [-1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, -1] constructor(canvas, scale) { this.canvas = canvas this.scale = scale = canvas.getContext("webgl2"), 0, canvas.width * scale, canvas.height * scale) this.shaderSource = this.#fragmtSrc this.mouseMove = [0, 0] this.mouseCoords = [0, 0] this.pointerCoords = [0, 0] this.nbrOfPointers = 0 } get defaultSource() { return this.#fragmtSrc } updateShader(source) { this.reset() this.shaderSource = source this.setup() this.init() } updateMove(deltas) { this.mouseMove = deltas } updateMouse(coords) { this.mouseCoords = coords } updatePointerCoords(coords) { this.pointerCoords = coords } updatePointerCount(nbr) { this.nbrOfPointers = nbr } updateScale(scale) { this.scale = scale, 0, this.canvas.width * scale, this.canvas.height * scale) } compile(shader, source) { const gl = gl.shaderSource(shader, source) gl.compileShader(shader) if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) { console.error(gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader)) this.canvas.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('shader-error', { detail: gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader) })) } } test(source) { let result = null const gl = const shader = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER) gl.shaderSource(shader, source) gl.compileShader(shader) if (!gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS)) { result = gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader) } if (gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.DELETE_STATUS)) { gl.deleteShader(shader) } return result } reset() { const { gl, program, vs, fs } = this if (!program || gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.DELETE_STATUS)) return if (gl.getShaderParameter(vs, gl.DELETE_STATUS)) { gl.detachShader(program, vs) gl.deleteShader(vs) } if (gl.getShaderParameter(fs, gl.DELETE_STATUS)) { gl.detachShader(program, fs) gl.deleteShader(fs) } gl.deleteProgram(program) } setup() { const gl = this.vs = gl.createShader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER) this.fs = gl.createShader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER) this.compile(this.vs, this.#vertexSrc) this.compile(this.fs, this.shaderSource) this.program = gl.createProgram() gl.attachShader(this.program, this.vs) gl.attachShader(this.program, this.fs) gl.linkProgram(this.program) if (!gl.getProgramParameter(this.program, gl.LINK_STATUS)) { console.error(gl.getProgramInfoLog(this.program)) } } init() { const { gl, program } = this this.buffer = gl.createBuffer() gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.buffer) gl.bufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, new Float32Array(this.#vertices), gl.STATIC_DRAW) const position = gl.getAttribLocation(program, "position") gl.enableVertexAttribArray(position) gl.vertexAttribPointer(position, 2, gl.FLOAT, false, 0, 0) program.resolution = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "resolution") program.time = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "time") program.move = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "move") program.touch = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "touch") program.pointerCount = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "pointerCount") program.pointers = gl.getUniformLocation(program, "pointers") } render(now = 0) { const { gl, program, buffer, canvas, mouseMove, mouseCoords, pointerCoords, nbrOfPointers } = this if (!program || gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.DELETE_STATUS)) return gl.clearColor(0, 0, 0, 1) gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) gl.useProgram(program) gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, buffer) gl.uniform2f(program.resolution, canvas.width, canvas.height) gl.uniform1f(program.time, now * 1e-3) gl.uniform2f(program.move, ...mouseMove) gl.uniform2f(program.touch, ...mouseCoords) gl.uniform1i(program.pointerCount, nbrOfPointers) gl.uniform2fv(program.pointers, pointerCoords) gl.drawArrays(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, 0, 4) } } class Store { constructor(key) { this.key = key = window.localStorage } #ownShadersKey = 'ownShaders' #StorageType = Object.freeze({ shader: 'fragmentSource', config: 'config' }) #getKeyPrefix(type) { return `${type}${btoa(this.key)}` } #getKey(type, name) { return `${this.#getKeyPrefix(type)}${btoa(name)}` } putShaderSource(name, source) { const storageType = this.#StorageType.shader, name), source) } getShaderSource(name) { const storageType = this.#StorageType.shader return, name)) } deleteShaderSource(name) { const storageType = this.#StorageType.shader, name)) } /** @returns {{title:string, uuid:string}[]} */ getOwnShaders() { const storageType = this.#StorageType.config const result =, this.#ownShadersKey)) return result ? JSON.parse(result) : [] } /** @param {{title:string, uuid:string}[]} shader */ putOwnShader(shader) { const ownShaders = this.getOwnShaders() const storageType = this.#StorageType.config const index = ownShaders.findIndex((s) => s.uuid === shader.uuid) if (index === -1) { ownShaders.push(shader) } else { ownShaders[index] = shader }, this.#ownShadersKey), JSON.stringify(ownShaders)) } deleteOwnShader(uuid) { const ownShaders = this.getOwnShaders() const storageType = this.#StorageType.config, this.#ownShadersKey), JSON.stringify(ownShaders.filter((s) => s.uuid !== uuid) )) this.deleteShaderSource(uuid) } /** @param {string[]} keep The names of the shaders to keep*/ cleanup(keep=[]) { const storageType = this.#StorageType.shader const ownShaders = this.getOwnShaders().map((s) => this.#getKey(storageType, s.uuid)) const premadeShaders = => this.#getKey(storageType, name)) const keysToKeep = [...ownShaders, ...premadeShaders] const result = [] for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { const key = if (key.startsWith(this.#getKeyPrefix(this.#StorageType.shader)) && !keysToKeep.includes(key)) { result.push(key) } } result.forEach((key) => } } class PointerHandler { constructor(element, scale) { this.scale = scale = false this.pointers = new Map() this.lastCoords = [0,0] this.moves = [0,0] const map = (element, scale, x, y) => [x * scale, element.height - y * scale] element.addEventListener("pointerdown", (e) => { = true this.pointers.set(e.pointerId, map(element, this.getScale(), e.clientX, e.clientY)) }) element.addEventListener("pointerup", (e) => { if (this.count === 1) { this.lastCoords = this.first } this.pointers.delete(e.pointerId) = this.pointers.size > 0 }) element.addEventListener("pointerleave", (e) => { if (this.count === 1) { this.lastCoords = this.first } this.pointers.delete(e.pointerId) = this.pointers.size > 0 }) element.addEventListener("pointermove", (e) => { if (! return this.lastCoords = [e.clientX, e.clientY] this.pointers.set(e.pointerId, map(element, this.getScale(), e.clientX, e.clientY)) this.moves = [this.moves[0]+e.movementX, this.moves[1]+e.movementY] }) } getScale() { return this.scale } updateScale(scale) { this.scale = scale } reset() { this.pointers.clear() = false this.moves = [0,0] } get count() { return this.pointers.size } get move() { return this.moves } get coords() { return this.pointers.size > 0 ? Array.from(this.pointers.values()).map((p) => [...p]).flat() : [0, 0] } get first() { return this.pointers.values().next().value || this.lastCoords } } class Editor { constructor(textarea, errorfield, errorindicator) { this.textarea = textarea this.errorfield = errorfield this.errorindicator = errorindicator textarea.addEventListener('keydown', this.handleKeydown.bind(this)) textarea.addEventListener('scroll', this.handleScroll.bind(this)) } get hidden() { return this.textarea.classList.contains('hidden') } set hidden(value) { value ? this.#hide() : this.#show() } get text() { return this.textarea.value } set text(value) { this.textarea.value = value } get scrollTop() { return this.textarea.scrollTop } set scrollTop(value) { this.textarea.scrollTop = value } setError(message) { this.errorfield.innerHTML = message this.errorfield.classList.add('opaque') const match = message.match(/ERROR: \d+:(\d+):/) const lineNumber = match ? parseInt(match[1]) : 0 const overlay = document.createElement('pre') overlay.classList.add('overlay') overlay.textContent = '\n'.repeat(lineNumber) document.body.appendChild(overlay) const offsetTop = parseInt(getComputedStyle(overlay).height)'--top', offsetTop + 'px') = 'visible' document.body.removeChild(overlay) } clearError() { this.errorfield.textContent = '' this.errorfield.classList.remove('opaque') this.errorfield.blur() = 'hidden' } focus() { this.textarea.focus() } #hide() { for (const el of [this.errorindicator, this.errorfield, this.textarea]) { el.classList.add('hidden') } } #show() { for (const el of [this.errorindicator, this.errorfield, this.textarea]) { el.classList.remove('hidden') } this.focus() } handleScroll() {'--scroll-top', `${this.textarea.scrollTop}px`) } handleKeydown(event) { if (event.key === "Tab") { event.preventDefault() this.handleTabKey(event.shiftKey) } else if (event.key === "Enter") { event.preventDefault() this.handleEnterKey() } } handleTabKey(shiftPressed) { if (this.#getSelectedText() !== "") { if (shiftPressed) { this.#unindentSelectedText() return } this.#indentSelectedText() } else { this.#indentAtCursor() } } #getSelectedText() { const editor = this.textarea const start = editor.selectionStart const end = editor.selectionEnd return editor.value.substring(start, end) } #indentAtCursor() { const editor = this.textarea const cursorPos = editor.selectionStart document.execCommand('insertText', false, '\t') editor.selectionStart = editor.selectionEnd = cursorPos + 1 } #indentSelectedText() { const editor = this.textarea const cursorPos = editor.selectionStart const selectedText = this.#getSelectedText() const lines = selectedText.split('\n') const indentedText = => '\t' + line).join('\n') document.execCommand('insertText', false, indentedText) editor.selectionStart = cursorPos } #unindentSelectedText() { const editor = this.textarea const cursorPos = editor.selectionStart const selectedText = this.#getSelectedText() const lines = selectedText.split('\n') const indentedText = => line.replace(/^\t/, '').replace(/^ /, '')).join('\n') document.execCommand('insertText', false, indentedText) editor.selectionStart = cursorPos } handleEnterKey() { const editor = this.textarea const visibleTop = editor.scrollTop const cursorPosition = editor.selectionStart let start = cursorPosition - 1 while (start >= 0 && editor.value[start] !== '\n') { start-- } let newLine = '' while (start < cursorPosition - 1 && (editor.value[start + 1] === ' ' || editor.value[start + 1] === '\t')) { newLine += editor.value[start + 1] start++ } document.execCommand('insertText', false, '\n' + newLine) editor.selectionStart = editor.selectionEnd = cursorPosition + 1 + newLine.length editor.scrollTop = visibleTop // Prevent the editor from scrolling const lineHeight = editor.scrollHeight / editor.value.split('\n').length const line = editor.value.substring(0, cursorPosition).split('\n').length // Do the actual layout calculation in order to get the correct scroll position const visibleBottom = editor.scrollTop + editor.clientHeight const lineTop = lineHeight * (line - 1) const lineBottom = lineHeight * (line + 2) // If the cursor is outside the visible range, scroll the editor if (lineTop < visibleTop) editor.scrollTop = lineTop if (lineBottom > visibleBottom) editor.scrollTop = lineBottom - editor.clientHeight } }