Frontend Forever App
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@charset "UTF-8"; @import url(,400,600,700,800); *, :after, :before { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0; } html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; } canvas { width: 500px; height: 500px; max-width: 100vw; max-height: 100vh; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%); border: 2px solid #8DA5B2; }
console.log("Event Fired") console.clear(); function setup() { createCanvas(windowWidth,windowHeight); create(); } const gap = 17; const size = 5; const dampingSpeed = .1; let arms = []; class Arm { constructor(x,y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.pos = getPos(x,y); this.join = getJoin(x,y); this.targetJoin = this.join; this.updateColor(); } updateColor () { this.color = random() < .95 ? 220 : [220,0,0]; } update() { this.join.x += (this.targetJoin.x - this.join.x) * dampingSpeed; this.join.y += (this.targetJoin.y - this.join.y) * dampingSpeed; } draw () { if(random() < .001) { this.targetJoin = getJoin(this.x, this.y); } if(random() < .0005) { this.updateColor(); } this.update() stroke(this.color); strokeWeight(size); line(this.pos.x,this.pos.y,this.join.x,this.join.y); } } const getJoin = (x,y) => { const options = []; options.push(getPos(x - 1, y )); options.push(getPos(x + 1, y )); options.push(getPos(x , y - 1)); options.push(getPos(x - 1, y - 1)); options.push(getPos(x , y + 1)); options.push(getPos(x - 1, y + 1)); return random(options); } const getPos = (x,y) => { let xPos = x * gap; let yPos = y * gap; if(y % 2 == 0) xPos += gap*.5; return createVector(xPos, yPos) } let radius; const create = () => { arms = []; const horizCount = width / gap; const vertCount = height / gap; radius = min(width, height) * .12; for(var x = 0; x <= horizCount; x++) { for(var y = 0; y <= vertCount; y++) { const xPos = x * size; const yPos = y * size; const d = dist(0,0,(xPos) - (width*.15),yPos - (height*.15)); console.log(d, radius) if(d < radius) { arms.push(new Arm(x,y)); } } } } function draw () { background(50); arms.forEach(arm => arm.draw()); } function mouseClicked() { create() } function touchEnded() { create() } function windowResized() { resizeCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight); create() }