Frontend Forever App
We have a mobile app for you to download and use. And you can unlock many features in the app.
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Intall Later
short break
long break
Time (minutes)
short break
long break
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console.log("Event Fired") const timerEl = document.getElementById("timer"); const playPause = document.getElementById("playPause"); const container = document.querySelector(".container"); const optionBtnContainer = document.querySelector(".option-btn-container"); const optionBtns = document.querySelectorAll(".option-btn"); const audio = new Audio("sound.mp3"); // Modal const configBtn = document.getElementById("config"); const closeBtn = document.getElementById("closeBtn"); const applyBtn = document.getElementById("apply"); const settingsModal = document.querySelector(".settings-modal"); const overlay = document.querySelector(".overlay"); const pomodoroInput = document.getElementById("pomodoroInput"); const shortBreakInput = document.getElementById("shortBreakInput"); const longBreakInput = document.getElementById("longBreakInput"); // Presets const timersSettings = { pomodoro: { name: "pomodoro", time: 1500, classe: "red" }, shortBreak: { name: "shortBreak", time: 300, classe: "green" }, longBreak: { name: "longBreak", time: 900, classe: "blue" } }; let currentTimerInterval, currentTimerSetting, definedTime, timerIsRunning, round, maxRound; // Functions const updateTimerEl = function () { const min = String(Math.trunc(definedTime / 60)).padStart(2, 0); const sec = String(Math.trunc(definedTime % 60)).padStart(2, 0); timerEl.innerHTML = `${min}:${sec}`; }; const getSettingsStored = function () { const timersSettingsStored = JSON.parse( localStorage.getItem("timersSettings") ); if (!timersSettingsStored) return; timersSettings.pomodoro.time = timersSettingsStored.pomodoro.time; timersSettings.shortBreak.time = timersSettingsStored.shortBreak.time; timersSettings.longBreak.time = timersSettingsStored.longBreak.time; pomodoroInput.value = timersSettings.pomodoro.time / 60; shortBreakInput.value = timersSettings.shortBreak.time / 60; longBreakInput.value = timersSettings.longBreak.time / 60; }; const init = function () { getSettingsStored(); currentTimerSetting = timersSettings.pomodoro; definedTime = currentTimerSetting.time; updateTimerEl(); timerIsRunning = false; round = 0; maxRound = 4; }; init(); const resetTimer = function () { clearInterval(currentTimerInterval); timerIsRunning = false; playPause.innerHTML = "PLAY"; container.classList.remove("red", "green", "blue"); optionBtns.forEach((btn) => btn.classList.remove("active-option-btn")); }; const changeTimerInterface = function (id) { currentTimerSetting = timersSettings[id]; definedTime = timersSettings[id].time; document.getElementById(`${id}`).classList.add("active-option-btn"); container.classList.add(timersSettings[id].classe); updateTimerEl(); }; const startTimer = function () { const tick = function () { definedTime--; updateTimerEl(); if (definedTime === 0) {; resetBtn(); if (currentTimerSetting === timersSettings.pomodoro) { round++; if (round >= maxRound) { maxRound += 4; changeTimerInterface("longBreak"); } else { changeTimerInterface("shortBreak"); } } else { changeTimerInterface("pomodoro"); } } }; timerIsRunning = true; tick(); const timer = setInterval(tick, 1000); return timer; }; // Event handlers playPause.addEventListener("click", function () { if (!timerIsRunning) { currentTimerInterval = startTimer(); playPause.innerHTML = "PAUSE"; } else { clearInterval(currentTimerInterval); timerIsRunning = false; playPause.innerHTML = "PLAY"; } }); optionBtnContainer.addEventListener("click", function (e) { if ("option-btn")) { resetTimer();"active-option-btn"); changeTimerInterface(; } }); // Setting Modal configBtn.addEventListener("click", function () { settingsModal.classList.remove("hidden"); overlay.classList.remove("hidden"); }); const closeModal = function () { settingsModal.classList.add("hidden"); overlay.classList.add("hidden"); }; closeBtn.addEventListener("click", closeModal); overlay.addEventListener("click", closeModal); document.addEventListener("keydown", function (e) { if (e.key == "Escape" && !settingsModal.classList.contains("hidden")) closeModal(); }); applyBtn.addEventListener("click", function () { timersSettings.pomodoro.time = Number(pomodoroInput.value) * 60; timersSettings.shortBreak.time = Number(shortBreakInput.value) * 60; timersSettings.longBreak.time = Number(longBreakInput.value) * 60; localStorage.setItem("timersSettings", JSON.stringify(timersSettings)); changeTimerInterface(; closeModal(); });