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Anime Speedlines Demo
Speedline Controls
Initial Size:
Middle Size:
End Size:
Emitter Radius:
Emitter X:
Emitter Y:
@charset "UTF-8"; @import url(,400,600,700,800); *, :after, :before { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0; }
console.log("Event Fired") // Utility functions const randomFactor = () => 0.5 + Math.random() * 0.5; const radToDeg = (rad) => (rad * 180) / Math.PI; const degToRad = (deg) => (deg * Math.PI) / 180; class Vector2 { constructor(x = 0, y = 0) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } static fromAngle(angle, length = 1) { return new Vector2(Math.cos(angle) * length, Math.sin(angle) * length); } add(v) { this.x += v.x; this.y += v.y; return this; } sub(v) { this.x -= v.x; this.y -= v.y; return this; } mult(n) { this.x *= n; this.y *= n; return this; } div(n) { this.x /= n; this.y /= n; return this; } mag() { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); } normalize() { const m = this.mag(); if (m !== 0) this.div(m); return this; } setMag(len) { return this.normalize().mult(len); } copy() { return new Vector2(this.x, this.y); } } class Line { constructor(canvas, settings, isInitial = false) { this.canvas = canvas; this.settings = settings; this.pos = new Vector2(); this.vel = new Vector2(); this.initialize(isInitial); } initialize(isInitial = false) { const { type, angle, emitterRadius, emitterX, emitterY, speed, length } = this.settings; const emitterPos = new Vector2(this.canvas.width * (emitterX / 100), this.canvas.height * (emitterY / 100)); this.randomizedEmitterRadius = emitterRadius * randomFactor(); this.speed = speed * randomFactor(); this.length = length * randomFactor(); const angleRad = type === 'radial' ? Math.random() * Math.PI * 2 : degToRad(angle); if (type === 'radial') { const maxDistance = Math.max(this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); const initialDistance = isInitial ? Math.random() : (this.speed >= 0 ? 0 : 1); const r = this.randomizedEmitterRadius + initialDistance * maxDistance; this.pos = Vector2.fromAngle(angleRad, r).add(emitterPos); this.vel = Vector2.fromAngle(angleRad, Math.abs(this.speed)); } else { this.pos = new Vector2(Math.random() * this.canvas.width, Math.random() * this.canvas.height); this.vel = Vector2.fromAngle(angleRad, this.speed); } this.sizes = ['initialSize', 'middleSize', 'endSize'].map(size => this.settings[size] * randomFactor()); } update() { const { type, emitterX, emitterY } = this.settings; const emitterPos = new Vector2(this.canvas.width * (emitterX / 100), this.canvas.height * (emitterY / 100)); if (type === 'linear') { this.pos.add(this.vel); this.wrapPosition(); } else { const toEmitter = emitterPos.copy().sub(this.pos); const distance = toEmitter.mag(); if (this.speed >= 0) { this.pos.add(this.vel); if (distance > Math.max(this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height) / 2) { this.initialize(); } } else { this.pos.sub(this.vel); if (distance <= this.randomizedEmitterRadius) { this.initialize(); } } } } wrapPosition() { if (this.pos.x < 0) this.pos.x = this.canvas.width; if (this.pos.x > this.canvas.width) this.pos.x = 0; if (this.pos.y < 0) this.pos.y = this.canvas.height; if (this.pos.y > this.canvas.height) this.pos.y = 0; } draw(ctx) { const { type, emitterX, emitterY, color } = this.settings; const emitterPos = new Vector2(this.canvas.width * (emitterX / 100), this.canvas.height * (emitterY / 100)); const endPos = type === 'radial' ? this.pos.copy().add(this.pos.copy().sub(emitterPos).setMag(this.length)) : this.pos.copy().sub(this.vel.copy().setMag(this.length)); const midPos = this.pos.copy().add(endPos).div(2); const perpAngle = Math.atan2(endPos.y - this.pos.y, endPos.x - this.pos.x) + Math.PI / 2; const perpVector = Vector2.fromAngle(perpAngle); ctx.fillStyle = color; // Draw positive half ctx.beginPath(); this.drawHalfLine(ctx, this.pos, midPos, endPos, perpVector, 1); ctx.fill(); // Draw negative half ctx.beginPath(); this.drawHalfLine(ctx, this.pos, midPos, endPos, perpVector, -1); ctx.fill(); } drawHalfLine(ctx, startPos, midPos, endPos, perpVector, sign) { const shift = 0.5; // Adjust this value to control the overlap const shiftVector = perpVector.copy().mult(shift * sign); ctx.moveTo( startPos.x + perpVector.x * this.sizes[0] * sign / 2 - shiftVector.x, startPos.y + perpVector.y * this.sizes[0] * sign / 2 - shiftVector.y ); ctx.lineTo( midPos.x + perpVector.x * this.sizes[1] * sign / 2 - shiftVector.x, midPos.y + perpVector.y * this.sizes[1] * sign / 2 - shiftVector.y ); ctx.lineTo( endPos.x + perpVector.x * this.sizes[2] * sign / 2 - shiftVector.x, endPos.y + perpVector.y * this.sizes[2] * sign / 2 - shiftVector.y ); ctx.lineTo( endPos.x - shiftVector.x, endPos.y - shiftVector.y ); ctx.lineTo( startPos.x - shiftVector.x, startPos.y - shiftVector.y ); } } class AnimeSpeedlines { constructor(canvas, settings) { this.canvas = canvas; this.ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); this.settings = settings; this.lines = []; this.createLines(); this.boundAnimate = this.animate.bind(this); this.animationId = null; } createLines() { this.lines = Array.from({ length: this.settings.count }, () => new Line(this.canvas, this.settings, true)); } animate() { this.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas.width, this.canvas.height); this.lines.forEach(line => { line.update(); line.draw(this.ctx); }); this.animationId = requestAnimationFrame(this.boundAnimate); } updateSettings(newSettings) { const oldSettings = { ...this.settings }; Object.assign(this.settings, newSettings); const relevantSettings = ['type', 'angle', 'emitterRadius', 'emitterX', 'emitterY', 'speed', 'length', 'color', 'initialSize', 'middleSize', 'endSize']; const hasRelevantChanges = relevantSettings.some(setting => oldSettings[setting] !== this.settings[setting]); if (hasRelevantChanges) { this.lines.forEach(line => { line.settings = this.settings; line.initialize(); }); } if (oldSettings.count !== this.settings.count) { this.createLines(); } } start() { if (!this.animationId) { this.animate(); } } stop() { if (this.animationId) { cancelAnimationFrame(this.animationId); this.animationId = null; } } resize(width, height) { this.canvas.width = width; this.canvas.height = height; this.createLines(); } } // Setup and event handling function initializeSpeedlines() { const canvas = document.getElementById('speedlineCanvas'); canvas.width = window.innerWidth; canvas.height = window.innerHeight; const initialSettings = { type: "linear", count: 30, speed: -20, length: 1000, color: "#ffffff", initialSize: 1, middleSize: 10, endSize: 1, emitterRadius: 250, angle: 45, emitterX: 50, emitterY: 50 }; const speedlines = new AnimeSpeedlines(canvas, initialSettings); speedlines.start(); return { speedlines, initialSettings }; } function setupEventListeners(speedlines, initialSettings) { const updateSettings = () => { const newSettings = Object.fromEntries( ['type', 'count', 'speed', 'length', 'color', 'initialSize', 'middleSize', 'endSize', 'emitterRadius', 'angle', 'emitterX', 'emitterY'] .map(id => [id, document.getElementById(id).value]) ); speedlines.updateSettings(newSettings); document.getElementById('currentSettings').textContent = JSON.stringify(newSettings, null, 2); }; const updateForms = (settings) => { Object.entries(settings).forEach(([key, value]) => { const element = document.getElementById(key); if (element) element.value = value; }); }; document.querySelectorAll('#controls input, #controls select').forEach(control => control.addEventListener('input', updateSettings) ); window.addEventListener('resize', () => speedlines.resize(window.innerWidth, window.innerHeight)); updateForms(initialSettings); updateSettings(); } document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { const { speedlines, initialSettings } = initializeSpeedlines(); setupEventListeners(speedlines, initialSettings); });