Frontend Forever App
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@charset "UTF-8"; @import url(,400,600,700,800); *, :after, :before { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0; } * { background: black; margin: 0; }
console.log("Event Fired") const canvas = document.createElement("canvas"); const c = canvas.getContext("2d"); canvas.width = innerWidth; canvas.height = innerHeight; document.body.append(canvas); const TWO_PI = 2 * Math.PI; class Dot { constructor(id, x, y, theta, parent) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.t = theta; this.vx = Math.cos(this.t) * Math.random() * 2; this.vy = Math.sin(this.t) * Math.random() * 2; = 30; this.col = parent.col; if (Math.random() < 0.005) this.other = true; if (this.other) { = 1000; this.t = Math.random() * 7; this.vx = Math.cos(this.t) * Math.random() * 2; this.vy = Math.sin(this.t) * Math.random() * 2; this.col = "black"; } this.iter = 0; this.parent = parent; = id; this.alpha = 0.25; if (Math.random() < 0.3) this.alpha = 0.25; } draw() { this.x += this.vx; this.y += this.vy; this.iter++; if (this.iter > { delete this.parent.dots[]; } c.fillStyle = this.col; c.globalAlpha = this.alpha; if (! this.alpha -= 0.00125; c.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.parent.size, this.parent.size); } } class Stain { constructor(x = innerWidth, y = innerHeight) { this.x = x / 2; this.y = y / 2; this.num = 1; this.step = TWO_PI / this.num; this.size = 1 + Math.random() * Math.random() * 2; this.rad = Math.random() * 300; this.dots = {}; this.dotId = 0; this.col = Math.random() < 0.8 ? "white" : "black"; = Math.random() * 7; this.S = 20 + Math.random() * 50; this.R = 100 + Math.random() * 300; this.rr = 50 + Math.random() * 300; this.dir = Math.random() < 0.6 ? 1 : Math.random() * 10 - 5; this.v = 1; = 0; if (Math.random() * 0.25) this.v = Math.random() * 5; } draw() { const circ = this.rad * TWO_PI; this.rad -= this.v; this.step = TWO_PI / circ; if (this.rad > 0) { for (let i = 1; i <= this.R; i += this.S) { let t = (i * this.step + * this.dir; let x = this.x + this.rad * Math.cos(t); let y = this.y + this.rad * Math.sin(t); this.dots[this.dotId] = new Dot(this.dotId, x, y, t, this); this.dotId++; } } for (let i in this.dots) { if (this.dots[i]) this.dots[i].draw(); } } } onresize = e => { canvas.width = innerWidth; canvas.height = innerHeight; c.fillStyle = "black"; c.fillRect(0, 0, innerWidth, innerHeight) } onresize() let ss = [new Stain()]; function loop() { if (Math.random() < 0.05) { ss.push( new Stain(Math.random() * innerWidth * 2, Math.random() * innerHeight * 2) ); } ss.forEach((s) => s.draw()); c.globalAlpha = 0.05; c.drawImage(canvas, 0, 3, canvas.width + 0.2, canvas.height - 6); c.globalAlpha = 1; requestAnimationFrame(loop); } loop();