Frontend Forever App
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@charset "UTF-8"; @import url(,400,600,700,800); *, :after, :before { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0; } /* Control the grid */ $n: 11; /* rows */ $m: 5; /* columns */ $s: 60px; /* size */ /* the number of coins (don't forget to update the html code) */ $c: 14; /* number of enemies (don't forget to update the html code) */ $e: 5; /* keyboard sensitivity ]1 +infinity[ bigger values will get you a slower move */ $v: 3; $odd: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,21,23,25,27; $even:2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22,24,26; @import url(''); @property --s1 { syntax: '
'; inherits: true; initial-value: 0 } @property --s2 { syntax: '
'; inherits: true; initial-value: 0 } @property --sum { syntax: '
'; inherits: true; initial-value: 0 } @property --ee { syntax: '
'; inherits: true; initial-value: 0 } b { display: grid; grid-template-columns: repeat($n,1fr); grid-template-rows: repeat($m,1fr); width: ($n + 1)*$s; height: ($m + 2)*$s; position: sticky; border: solid #0000; border-width: $s/2 $s/2 1.5*$s; box-sizing: border-box; left: 0; top: 0; font-weight: initial; } m { content:""; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; translate: -50% -50%; width: $s; aspect-ratio:1; opacity:0; background: url( center/cover; animation: x linear,y linear; animation-timeline: scroll(nearest inline),scroll(nearest block); } @keyframes x{to {left: 100%}} @keyframes y{to {top: 100%}} c,e { position: absolute; inset: 0; animation-timeline: scroll(nearest inline),scroll(nearest block)!important; } :is(c,e):before { content:""; position: absolute; width: #{100%/$n}; aspect-ratio: 1; scale: .6; background: url( 0 50%/600% auto no-repeat; } e:before { scale: .8; animation: g .4s steps(2) infinite; background: url( 0 50%/200% auto no-repeat; } @keyframes b {to {background-position: 120% 50%}} @keyframes g {to {background-position: 200% 50%}} @keyframes e {to {opacity:0;translate:0 -100%}} $sel: (""); @for $i from 1 to ($c+1) { c#{$sel}{ animation: c#{$i}-x linear,c#{$i}-y linear; container-name: c#{$i}; } $x:nth($odd, random(ceil($n/2))); $y:random($m); c#{$sel}:before { left: #{($x - 1)*100%/$n}; top: #{($y - 1)*100%/$m}; animation: b .8s steps(6) infinite, e .05s forwards var(--e#{$i},paused); @container c#{$i} style(--c#{$i}-x: 1) and style(--c#{$i}-y: 1) {--e#{$i}: running} } @keyframes c#{$i}-x { 0%,#{($x - 1)*(100%/$n)},#{$x*(100%/$n)},to{--c#{$i}-x:0} #{($x - 1)*(100%/$n) + .1%},#{$x*(100%/$n) - .1%}{--c#{$i}-x:1} } @keyframes c#{$i}-y { 0%,#{($y - 1)*(100%/$m)},#{$y*(100%/$m)},to{--c#{$i}-y:0} #{($y - 1)*(100%/$m) + .1%},#{$y*(100%/$m) - .1%}{--c#{$i}-y:1} } $sel: append($sel,'>c',space); } $sel: (""); @for $i from 1 to ($e+1) { e#{$sel}{ animation: e#{$i}-x linear,e#{$i}-y linear; container-name: e#{$i}; } $x:nth($even, random(floor($n/2))); $y:random($m); e#{$sel}:before { left: #{($x - 1)*100%/$n}; top: #{($y - 1)*100%/$m}; } @keyframes e#{$i}-x { 0%,#{($x - 1)*(100%/$n)},#{$x*(100%/$n)},to{--e#{$i}-x:0} #{($x - 1)*(100%/$n) + .1%},#{$x*(100%/$n) - .1%}{--e#{$i}-x:1} } @keyframes e#{$i}-y { 0%,#{($y - 1)*(100%/$m)},#{$y*(100%/$m)},to{--e#{$i}-y:0} #{($y - 1)*(100%/$m) + .1%},#{$y*(100%/$m) - .1%}{--e#{$i}-y:1} } $sel: append($sel,'>e',space); } r { color: #fefeff; font-size: 35px; visibility: hidden; $anim: (); @for $i from 1 to ($c+1) { --r#{$i}:0; $anim: append($anim,'r#{$i} .1s forwards var(--s-r#{$i},paused)',comma); @container c#{$i} style(--c#{$i}-x: 1) and style(--c#{$i}-y: 1) {--s-r#{$i}: running} @keyframes r#{$i} {1%,to {--r#{$i}:1}} } $anim: append($anim,'eeee .1s forwards var(--eeee,paused)',comma); --ee: 0; @for $i from 1 to ($e+1) { @container e#{$i} style(--e#{$i}-x: 1) and style(--e#{$i}-y: 1) {--eeee: running} } @keyframes eeee {1%,to {--ee:1}} $sum: ("var(--r1)"); @for $i from 2 to ($c+1) { $sum: append($sum,'+ var(--r#{$i})' , space); } --sum: calc(#{$sum}); animation: #{$anim}; container-name: r; } r:before { content: "SCORE - " counter(r,decimal-leading-zero); position: absolute; right: $s/-2; bottom: -1.5*$s; padding: 8px 16px 8px 0; counter-reset: r var(--sum); } r:after { content: "TIME - " counter(s1,decimal-leading-zero) "s"; font-variant-numeric: tabular-nums; counter-reset: s1 var(--s1) s2 var(--s2); position: absolute; left: $s/-2; bottom: -1.5*$s; padding: 8px; animation: s1 60s linear forwards paused; background: url( bottom/auto 0 no-repeat; @container r style(--sum: #{$c}) { content:"You did it in " counter(s1,decimal-leading-zero) "s"; background: url( 50% 70%/auto 60% no-repeat var(--b) content-box; inset: $s/-2 $s/-2 -1.5*$s; padding-right: 6px; animation-play-state: paused !important; text-align: center; font-size: 55px; z-index: 99989; visibility: visible; } @container r style(--ee: 1) { content:"\aGame Over\a\a Refresh the page\a and try again "; white-space: pre-wrap; background: var(--b) content-box; inset: $s/-2 $s/-2 -1.5*$s; padding-right: 6px; animation-play-state: paused !important; text-align: center; font-size: 55px; z-index: 99989; visibility: visible; } } @keyframes s1 {to{--s1:60}} g { display: block; width: ($n + 1)*$s*$v; height: ($m + 2)*$s*$v; } body { position: relative; margin: auto auto $s/2; overflow: auto; scrollbar-width: none; width: ($n + 1)*$s; height: ($m + 2)*$s; box-shadow: -6px 0 var(--c2), -6px 0 var(--c2) inset, 0 -6px var(--c2) inset; background: var(--b); cursor: pointer; } b:before { content:"Collect the Coins\aWith your keyboard!\a\a\a🖱️Click to start"; font-size: 40px; white-space: pre; text-align: center; position: absolute; inset: $s/-4 $s/-4 -1*$s; padding-top: $s/2; pointer-events: none; z-index: 5896; color: #fefeff; background: url( bottom/80px auto no-repeat, url( 50% 43%/110px auto no-repeat var(--b); } body:focus-within { cursor: none; } body:focus-within b:before { opacity: 0; } body:focus-within m { opacity: 1; } body:focus-within r { visibility: visible; } body:focus-within r:after { animation-play-state: running; } html { font-family: 'Retro Mario', sans serif; min-height:100vh; overflow: hidden; display: grid; --c1: #954b0c; --c2: #000; --b: #6185f8; --g:conic-gradient(at 90% 40%,#0000 75%,var(--c1) 0); background: var(--g) 50% 100%, var(--g) calc(50% + #{$s/2}) calc(100% + #{$s/2}) var(--c2); background-size: $s $s; } html:before { content: "Super CSS Mario II"; position: absolute; inset: auto 0 ($m + 3)*$s; width: fit-content; margin: auto; color: #ffccc5; font-size: 50px; padding: 10px 25px; background: #994e00; text-shadow: 5px 5px #000; border: 3px solid; } @media (width < ($n + 1)*$s), (height < ($m + 4)*$s) { html:after { content: "Sorry but your screen is too small for this game\a\a Buy a bigger one and try again!"; white-space: pre-wrap; background: var(--b); position: absolute; inset: 0; z-index: calc(infinity); display: grid; place-content: center; text-align: center; font-size: 40px; padding: 40px; color: #fff; } } @supports not (animation-timeline: scroll()) { html:after { content: "Firefox and Safari users aren't allowed\a✋ \aThis is a chromium experimentation\a(Use Chrome or Edge)"; white-space: pre-wrap; background: var(--b); position: absolute; inset: 0; z-index: calc(infinity); display: grid; place-content: center; text-align: center; font-size: 40px; padding: 40px; color: #fff; } }
console.log("Event Fired")