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@charset "UTF-8"; @import url(,400,600,700,800); *, :after, :before { box-sizing: border-box; padding: 0; margin: 0; } body { background-color: rgb(20, 40, 55); display: flex; height: 100vh; overflow: hidden; align-items: center; justify-content: center; }
console.log("Event Fired") //Also on let readyForNewGame = false; let bg1 = "#4a6660"; let bg2 = "#467971"; let colors = [ "#403831", "#224845", "#7e3e25", "#8e4c24", "#736139", "#3c6e66", "#7a5342", "#a04c35", "#3c8d92", "#6d8e7a", "#4a3a35", "#364847", "#893e2a", "#8e4e25", "#77613e", "#436e69", "#8e5850", "#aa554c", "#4b9097", "#798f7e" ]; let spots = []; let nums = []; let newGame = false; let c, score, dw, dh; let onMobile = false; let startX, startY, endX, endY, r1, g1, b1; function setup() { describe( "A game that adds fibonacci numbers similar to 2048 and 3s. The grid is layed out in a 3x5 grid and starts with 2 random numbers being a 1 or 2. The colors are of greens and reds and oranges." ); readyForNewGame = false; c = windowHeight * 0.9; // angleMode(DEGREES); r1 = 100; g1 = 150; b1 = 200; createCanvas((3 / 5) * c, c); onMobile = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini/i.test( navigator.userAgent ); score = 0; dw = width / 3; dh = height / 5; for (let i = 0; i < 15; i++) { spots[i] = false; } for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { nums[i] = []; nums[i][0] = 0; nums[i][1] = 0; nums[i][2] = 0; } newNum(); newNum(); textSize(c / 20); textAlign(CENTER); loop(); } function draw() { fill(bg2); noStroke(); rect(0, 0, width, height, 40, 40, 40, 40); fill(255); textSize(c / 30); text("Score: " + str(int(score)), width / 4, dh / 1.5); textSize(c / 30); text("sumFib", (3 * width) / 4, dh / 4); textSize(c / 20); if (!newGame) { push(); scale(0.8); translate(dw / 2.7, dh); drawBoard(); pop(); } else { drawBoard(); fill(0, 0, 0, 180); noStroke(); rect(0, 0, width, height, 20, 20, 20, 20); fill(255); stroke(255); textSize(c / 20); text("Score: " + str(int(score)), width / 4, dh / 1.5); textSize(c / 10); fill(255); textSize(c / 20); text("Sum-thing is over.", width / 2, height / 2); textSize(c / 40); if (onMobile) { text("Swipe to play again.", width / 2, height / 2 + 40); } else { text("Press space to play again.", width / 2, height / 2 + 40); } textSize(20); } } function drawBoard() { // background(160,220,240); fill(r1 + 50, g1 + 50, b1 + 50); stroke(255); // rect(0, 0, width, height, 20, 20, 20, 20); stroke(240, 255, 255); for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) { noFill(); rect(j * dw, i * dh, dw, dh, 40, 40, 40, 40); if (nums[i][j] != 0) { fill(colors[findFibonacciIndex(nums[i][j]) % colors.length]); rect( j * dw + dw * 0.025, i * dh + dh * 0.025, dw * 0.95, dh * 0.95, 40, 40, 40, 40 ); fill(255); text(str(nums[i][j]), dw / 2 + j * dw, dh / 1.7 + i * dh); } } } } function newNum() { let emptySpots = []; // Identify all empty spots for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < nums[i].length; j++) { if (nums[i][j] === 0) { emptySpots.push({ i, j }); } } } if (emptySpots.length > 0) { let spot = random(emptySpots); nums[spot.i][spot.j] = random([1, 1, 1, 2]); } else { // No empty spots, check if moves are possible if (!canMakeMove()) { // console.log("Game Over! No moves left."); newGame = true; } else { // console.log("No new numbers added, but moves are still possible."); } } } function keyPressed() { if (keyCode === 37 || keyCode === 65) { moveLeftAndCombine(); } else if (keyCode === 38 || keyCode === 87) { moveUpAndCombine(); } else if (keyCode === 39 || keyCode === 68) { moveRightAndCombine(); } else if (keyCode === 40 || keyCode === 83) { moveDownAndCombine(); } if (keyCode === 32) { newGame = false; setup(); draw(); } } function moveLeftAndCombine() { let rows = nums.length; let moveOccurred = false; for (let i = 0; i < rows; i++) { let row = nums[i].filter((val) => val !== 0); // Remove zeros for combination logic // Combine tiles from left to right for (let j = 0; j < row.length - 1; j++) { if (isFibonacci(row[j] + row[j + 1])) { row[j] += row[j + 1]; // Combine the current and next tile row.splice(j + 1, 1); // Remove the next tile row.push(0); // Add a zero at the end to maintain row length, correctly this time score += row[j]; // Update score moveOccurred = true; } } // After combining, the row might be shorter than the original. // Fill the remainder of the row with zeros to ensure it has the same length as before. while (row.length < nums[i].length) { row.push(0); // Push zeros to the end of the row to fill it out } // Check for any changes in the row compared to its original state. if (!nums[i].every((val, index) => val === row[index])) { nums[i] = row; moveOccurred = true; } } // Trigger new number addition and game over check only if any move has occurred if (moveOccurred) { newNum(); checkGameOver(); } } function shiftTilesLeft(row) { let newRow = nums[row].filter((val) => val !== 0); // Remove zeros let missing = nums[row].length - newRow.length; // Calculate missing tiles nums[row] = newRow.concat(Array(missing).fill(0)); // Fill the rest with zeros } function moveRightAndCombine() { let rows = nums.length; let moveOccurred = false; for (let i = 0; i < rows; i++) { // Store the original state of the row for comparison. let originalRow = [...nums[i]]; // Extract non-zero values to the end, effectively shifting right. let newRow = nums[i].filter((val) => val !== 0).reverse(); // Attempt to combine adjacent tiles from the end. for (let j = 0; j < newRow.length - 1; j++) { if (isFibonacci(newRow[j] + newRow[j + 1])) { score += newRow[j] + newRow[j + 1]; newRow[j] += newRow[j + 1]; newRow.splice(j + 1, 1); moveOccurred = true; j--; // Adjust the index to stay in place after a merge. } } // Reverse back after combining. newRow.reverse(); // Fill the start of the row with zeros to shift all tiles right. while (newRow.length < nums[i].length) { newRow.unshift(0); } // Update the row in the original grid. nums[i] = newRow; // Check for any changes in the row compared to its original state. if (!originalRow.every((val, index) => val === nums[i][index])) { moveOccurred = true; } } // Add a new number only if a move has happened. if (moveOccurred) { newNum(); } checkGameOver(); } function shiftTilesRight(row) { let newRow = nums[row].filter((val) => val !== 0); // Remove zeros let missing = nums[row].length - newRow.length; // Calculate missing tiles nums[row] = Array(missing).fill(0).concat(newRow); // Fill the beginning with zeros } function moveUpAndCombine() { let cols = nums[0].length; let moveOccurred = false; for (let j = 0; j < cols; j++) { let originalColumn = []; for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { originalColumn.push(nums[i][j]); } let column = originalColumn.filter((val) => val !== 0); let combined = new Array(column.length).fill(false); // Track which tiles have combined for (let i = 0; i < column.length - 1; i++) { if (!combined[i] && isFibonacci(column[i] + column[i + 1])) { score += column[i] + column[i + 1]; column[i] += column[i + 1]; column.splice(i + 1, 1); // Remove the combined tile combined.splice(i + 1, 1); // Ensure we track combined state correctly combined[i] = true; // Mark this tile as having combined moveOccurred = true; } } while (column.length < nums.length) { column.push(0); // Fill with zeros } for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { nums[i][j] = column[i]; if (nums[i][j] !== originalColumn[i]) moveOccurred = true; } } if (moveOccurred) { newNum(); checkGameOver(); } } function moveDownAndCombine() { let cols = nums[0].length; let moveOccurred = false; for (let j = 0; j < cols; j++) { // Store the original state of the column for comparison. let originalColumn = []; for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { originalColumn.push(nums[i][j]); } // Extract the current column, ignoring zeros. let column = originalColumn.filter((val) => val !== 0); // Attempt to combine tiles in the column, starting from the bottom. for (let i = column.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { if (isFibonacci(column[i] + column[i - 1])) { score += column[i] + column[i - 1]; column[i] += column[i - 1]; column.splice(i - 1, 1); // Remove the combined tile, moving everything down. moveOccurred = true; // Mark that a combination occurred. i--; // Adjust index due to the removal. } } // Update the grid with the new column state, placing it at the bottom. let filledColumn = Array(nums.length - column.length) .fill(0) .concat(column); // Update the original grid and check if any tile has moved or combined. for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { nums[i][j] = filledColumn[i]; if (nums[i][j] !== originalColumn[i]) moveOccurred = true; } } // Add a new number only if a move has happened. if (moveOccurred) { newNum(); } checkGameOver(); } function isFibonacci(num) { let a = 0; let b = 1; if (num === a || num === b) return true; let c = a + b; while (c <= num) { if (c === num) return true; a = b; b = c; c = a + b; } return false; } function findFibonacciIndex(n) { if (n <= 0) return -1; // Handle non-positive inputs let a = 0, b = 1, index = 1; while (b < n) { let temp = b; b = a + b; a = temp; index++; } return b === n ? index : -1; // Check if the number is actually a Fibonacci number } function canMakeMove() { for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < nums[i].length; j++) { // Check right for possible combination if (j < nums[i].length - 1) { if ( isFibonacci(nums[i][j] + nums[i][j + 1]) && nums[i][j] !== 0 && nums[i][j + 1] !== 0 ) { return true; } } // Check down for possible combination if (i < nums.length - 1) { if ( isFibonacci(nums[i][j] + nums[i + 1][j]) && nums[i][j] !== 0 && nums[i + 1][j] !== 0 ) { return true; } } } } return false; // No moves can be made } function checkGameOver() { if (!canMakeMove() && isBoardFull()) { newGame = true; } } function isBoardFull() { for (let i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) { for (let j = 0; j < nums[i].length; j++) { if (nums[i][j] === 0) { return false; // Found an empty spot, so the board isn't full. } } } return true; // No empty spots found, board is full. } function windowResized() { c = windowHeight * 0.9; score = 0; dw = width / 3; dh = height / 5; resizeCanvas((3 / 5) * c, c); textSize(max(20, c / 10)); dw = width / 3; dh = height / 5; } function touchStarted() { if (onMobile) { if (touches.length > 0) { startX = touches[0].x; startY = touches[0].y; } return false; // Prevent default browser behavior } } function touchEnded() { if (onMobile) { if (touches.length > 0) { endX = touches[0].x; endY = touches[0].y; } else { endX = mouseX; endY = mouseY; } const diffX = endX - startX; const diffY = endY - startY; if (!newGame || readyForNewGame) { // Process swipes only if it's not end game or ready for a new game if (abs(diffX) > abs(diffY)) { // Horizontal movement diffX > 0 ? moveRightAndCombine() : moveLeftAndCombine(); } else { // Vertical movement diffY > 0 ? moveDownAndCombine() : moveUpAndCombine(); } } if (newGame && !readyForNewGame) { // If the game has ended and it's the first swipe after the end, set readyForNewGame to true readyForNewGame = true; } else if (newGame && readyForNewGame) { // If it's the second swipe after the game has ended, reset for a new game newGame = false; readyForNewGame = false; // Reset readyForNewGame setup(); draw(); } return false; // Prevent default } }