Frontend Forever App
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console.log("Event Fired c = document.querySelector('#c') c.width = 1920 c.height = 1080 x = c.getContext('2d') C = Math.cos S = Math.sin t = 0 T = Math.tan rsz=window.onresize=()=>{ setTimeout(()=>{ if(document.body.clientWidth > document.body.clientHeight*1.77777778){ = '100vh' setTimeout(()=> = c.clientHeight*1.77777778+'px',0) }else{ = '100vw' setTimeout(()=> = c.clientWidth/1.77777778 + 'px',0) } },0) } rsz() async function Draw(){ if(!t){ oX=oY=oZ=Rl=Pt=Yw=0 reflect = (a, n) => { let d1 = Math.hypot(...a)+.0001 let d2 = Math.hypot(...n)+.0001 a[0]/=d1 a[1]/=d1 a[2]/=d1 n[0]/=d2 n[1]/=d2 n[2]/=d2 let dot = -a[0]*n[0] + -a[1]*n[1] + -a[2]*n[2] let rx = -a[0] - 2 * n[0] * dot let ry = -a[1] - 2 * n[1] * dot let rz = -a[2] - 2 * n[2] * dot return [-rx*d1, -ry*d1, -rz*d1] } spawnTunnel = ( tx, ty, tz, rw, cl, sp=1, rad=.5, theta1=0, theta2=0, theta1ModFreq = 0, theta1ModMag = 0, theta2ModFreq = 0, theta2ModMag = 0, theta1Offset = 0, theta2Offset = 0, radModFreq = 0, radModMag = 0, radModOffset = 0, showLine=false ) => { let X_ = X = tx let Y_ = Y = ty let Z_ = Z = tz let ret = [] let p2a, p2, p2a1, ls if(showLine) x.beginPath() for(let i=cl+1; i--;){ let p1 = theta1 + C(Math.PI*2/cl*i*theta1ModFreq + theta1Offset) * theta1ModMag let p2 = theta2 + C(Math.PI*2/cl*i*theta2ModFreq + theta2Offset) * theta2ModMag let p2a1 = theta2 + C(Math.PI*2/cl*(i+1)*theta2ModFreq + theta2Offset) * theta2ModMag let lsa = rad + C(Math.PI*2/cl*i*radModFreq + radModOffset) * rad /2 *radModMag let lsb = rad + C(Math.PI*2/cl*(i+1)*radModFreq + radModOffset) * rad /2 * radModMag if(i==cl){ p2a = p2 ls = lsa }else if(i==0){ p2a = p2a1 ls = lsb }else{ p2a = (p2 + p2a1)/2 ls = (lsa+lsb)/2 } let a = [] for(let j=rw+1;j--;){ p=Math.PI*2/rw*j + Math.PI/rw X = S(p) * ls Y = 0 Z = C(p) * ls R(-p2a+Math.PI/2,0,0) R(0,0,-p1) a = [...a, [X+X_, Y+Y_, Z+Z_]] } ret = [...ret, a] if(showLine) { X = X_ Y = Y_ Z = Z_ R(Rl,Pt,Yw,1) if(Z>0) x.lineTo(...Q()) } vx = C(p1) * C(p2) * sp vy = S(p2) * sp vz = S(p1) * C(p2) * sp X_ += vx Y_ += vy Z_ += vz } if(showLine) stroke('#f00', '', 2, false) a = [], i) => { if(i){ let s1 = ret[i] let s2 = ret[i-1] for(let j = rw;j--;){ b = [] let l1_ = (j+0)%rw let l2_ = (j+1)%rw X = s1[l1_][0] Y = s1[l1_][1] Z = s1[l1_][2] b = [...b, [X,Y,Z]] X = s1[l2_][0] Y = s1[l2_][1] Z = s1[l2_][2] b = [...b, [X,Y,Z]] X = s2[l2_][0] Y = s2[l2_][1] Z = s2[l2_][2] b = [...b, [X,Y,Z]] X = s2[l1_][0] Y = s2[l1_][1] Z = s2[l1_][2] b = [...b, [X,Y,Z]] a = [...a, b] } } }) return a } HSVFromRGB = (R, G, B) => { let R_=R/256 let G_=G/256 let B_=B/256 let Cmin = Math.min(R_,G_,B_) let Cmax = Math.max(R_,G_,B_) let val = Cmax //(Cmax+Cmin) / 2 let delta = Cmax-Cmin let sat = Cmax ? delta / Cmax: 0 let min=Math.min(R,G,B) let max=Math.max(R,G,B) let hue = 0 if(delta){ if(R>=G && R>=B) hue = (G-B)/(max-min) if(G>=R && G>=B) hue = 2+(B-R)/(max-min) if(B>=G && B>=R) hue = 4+(R-G)/(max-min) } hue*=60 while(hue<0) hue+=360; while(hue>=360) hue-=360; return [hue, sat, val] } RGBFromHSV = (H, S, V) => { while(H<0) H+=360; while(H>=360) H-=360; let C = V*S let X = C * (1-Math.abs((H/60)%2-1)) let m = V-C let R_, G_, B_ if(H>=0 && H < 60) R_=C, G_=X, B_=0 if(H>=60 && H < 120) R_=X, G_=C, B_=0 if(H>=120 && H < 180) R_=0, G_=C, B_=X if(H>=180 && H < 240) R_=0, G_=X, B_=C if(H>=240 && H < 300) R_=X, G_=0, B_=C if(H>=300 && H < 360) R_=C, G_=0, B_=X let R = (R_+m)*256 let G = (G_+m)*256 let B = (B_+m)*256 return [R,G,B] } R=R2=(Rl,Pt,Yw,m)=>{ M=Math A=M.atan2 H=M.hypot //if(m){ // X-=oX // Y-=oY // Z-=oZ //} X=S(p=A(X,Z)+Yw)*(d=H(X,Z)) Z=C(p)*d Y=S(p=A(Y,Z)+Pt)*(d=H(Y,Z)) Z=C(p)*d X=S(p=A(X,Y)+Rl)*(d=H(X,Y)) Y=C(p)*d if(m){ X+=oX Y+=oY Z+=oZ } } Q=()=>[c.width/2+X/Z*700,c.height/2+Y/Z*700] I=(A,B,M,D,E,F,G,H)=>(K=((G-E)*(B-F)-(H-F)*(A-E))/(J=(H-F)*(M-A)-(G-E)*(D-B)))>=0&&K<=1&&(L=((M-A)*(B-F)-(D-B)*(A-E))/J)>=0&&L<=1?[A+K*(M-A),B+K*(D-B)]:0 Rn = Math.random async function loadOBJ(url, scale, tx, ty, tz, rl, pt, yw, recenter=true) { let res await fetch(url, res => res).then(data=>data.text()).then(data=>{ a=[] data.split("\nv ").map(v=>{ a=[...a, v.split("\n")[0]] }) a=a.filter((v,i)=>i).map(v=>[...v.split(' ').map(n=>(+n.replace("\n", '')))]) ax=ay=az=0>{ v[1]*=-1 if(recenter){ ax+=v[0] ay+=v[1] az+=v[2] } }) ax/=a.length ay/=a.length az/=a.length>{ X=(v[0]-ax)*scale Y=(v[1]-ay)*scale Z=(v[2]-az)*scale R2(rl,pt,yw,0) v[0]=X v[1]=Y * (url.indexOf('bug')!=-1?2:1) v[2]=Z }) maxY=-6e6>{ if(v[1]>maxY)maxY=v[1] })>{ v[1]-=maxY-oY v[0]+=tx v[1]+=ty v[2]+=tz }) b=[] data.split("\nf ").map(v=>{ b=[...b, v.split("\n")[0]] }) b.shift()>v.split(' '))>{>{ return +q.split('/')[0] }) v=v.filter(q=>q) return v }) res=[]>{ e=[]>{ e=[...e, a[q-1]] }) e = e.filter(q=>q) res=[...res, e] }) }) return res } function loadAnimation(name, size, X, Y, Z, rl, pt, yw, speed=1) { let rootURL = '' if(typeof animations == 'undefined') animations = [] if(typeof animationFrameData == 'undefined') animationFrameData = [] if(typeof animationsCT == 'undefined') animationsCT = 0 let animation = { name , speed , frameCt: 0, fileList: '', curFrame: 0, loopRangeStart: 0, loopRangeEnd: 0, hasLoop: false, looping: false, //frameData: [], loaded: false, active: true, idx: animationsCT++ } fetch(`${rootURL}/${name}/fileList.json`).then(v => v.json()).then(data => { animation.fileList = data.fileList if(animation.fileList.hasLoop){ animation.hasLoop = true animation.looping = true animation.loopRangeStart = animation.fileList.loopRangeStart animation.loopRangeEnd = animation.fileList.loopRangeEnd } let fd = Array(+animation.fileList.fileCount) for(let i=0; i<+animation.fileList.fileCount; i++){ let file = `${rootURL}/${name}/${animation.fileList.fileName}${i+(name.indexOf('tree')!=-1?1:0)}.${animation.fileList.suffix}` loadOBJ(file, size, X,Y,Z, rl,pt,yw, false).then(el => { fd[i] = el animation.frameCt++ if(animation.frameCt == +animation.fileList.fileCount) { console.log(`loaded animation: ${name}`) console.log('animation: ', animation) animation.loaded = true animations = [...animations, animation] animationFrameData = [...animationFrameData, fd] if(animations.length == 4) { landScapeLoaded = true loadLandscape() } } }) } }) return name } drawAnimation = (ox,oy,oz,animation, scol='#8888', fcol='', lineWidth=2, glowing=true, overrideGlobalAlpha=1, speed=1, scale=1,normal=false, theta=0) => { animation.curFrame += animation.speed * speed if(0&&animation.hasLoop && animation.looping){ animation.curFrame %= Math.min(animation.loopRangeEnd, animation.frameCt) if(animation.curFrame < 1) animation.curFrame = Math.max(0, animation.loopRangeStart) }else{ animation.curFrame %= animation.frameCt }; (l=animationFrameData[animation.idx])[Math.min(animation.curFrame|0,l.length-2)].map((v, i) => { x.beginPath()>{ X = q[0] * scale Y = q[1] * scale Z = q[2] * scale if(normal){ let nx1 = normal[0] let ny1 = normal[1] let nz1 = normal[2] let nx2 = normal[3] let ny2 = normal[4] let nz2 = normal[5] let yw = Math.atan2(nx2-nx1, nz2-nz1) let pt = -Math.acos((ny2-ny1)/(Math.hypot(nx2-nx1, ny2-ny1, nz2-nz1)+.001)) + Math.PI R(0,0,-yw + theta) R(0, pt,0) R(0,0,yw) } X+=ox Y+=oy Z+=oz R(Rl,Pt,Yw,1) if(Z>0) x.lineTo(...Q()) }) stroke(scol, fcol, lineWidth, glowing, overrideGlobalAlpha) }) } geoSphere = (mx, my, mz, iBc, size) => { let collapse=0 let B=Array(iBc).fill().map(v=>{ X = Rn()-.5 Y = Rn()-.5 Z = Rn()-.5 return [X,Y,Z] }) for(let m=200;m--;){,i)=>{ X = v[0] Y = v[1] Z = v[2],j)=>{ if(j!=i){ X2=q[0] Y2=q[1] Z2=q[2] d=1+(Math.hypot(X-X2,Y-Y2,Z-Z2)*(3+iBc/40)*3)**4 X+=(X-X2)*99/d Y+=(Y-Y2)*99/d Z+=(Z-Z2)*99/d } }) d=Math.hypot(X,Y,Z) v[0]=X/d v[1]=Y/d v[2]=Z/d if(collapse){ d=25+Math.hypot(X,Y,Z) v[0]=(X-X/d)/1.1 v[1]=(Y-Y/d)/1.1 v[2]=(Z-Z/d)/1.1 } }) } mind = 6e6,i)=>{ X1 = v[0] Y1 = v[1] Z1 = v[2],j)=>{ X2 = q[0] Y2 = q[1] Z2 = q[2] if(i!=j){ d = Math.hypot(a=X1-X2, b=Y1-Y2, e=Z1-Z2) if(d
{ X1 = v[0] Y1 = v[1] Z1 = v[2],j)=>{ X2 = q[0] Y2 = q[1] Z2 = q[2] if(i!=j){ d = Math.hypot(X1-X2, Y1-Y2, Z1-Z2) if(d
q[0]==X2&&q[1]==Y2&&q[2]==Z2&&q[3]==X1&&q[4]==Y1&&q[5]==Z1).length) a = [...a, [X1*size,Y1*size,Z1*size,X2*size,Y2*size,Z2*size]] } } }) })>{ v[0]*=size v[1]*=size v[2]*=size v[0]+=mx v[1]+=my v[2]+=mz }) return [mx, my, mz, size, B, a] } Normal = (facet, autoFlipNormals=false, X1=0, Y1=0, Z1=0) => { let ax = 0, ay = 0, az = 0>{ ax += q_[0], ay += q_[1], az += q_[2] }) ax /= facet.length, ay /= facet.length, az /= facet.length let b1 = facet[2][0]-facet[1][0], b2 = facet[2][1]-facet[1][1], b3 = facet[2][2]-facet[1][2] let c1 = facet[1][0]-facet[0][0], c2 = facet[1][1]-facet[0][1], c3 = facet[1][2]-facet[0][2] let crs = [b2*c3-b3*c2,b3*c1-b1*c3,b1*c2-b2*c1] d = Math.hypot( let nls = 1 //normal line length crs =>q/d*nls) let X1_ = ax, Y1_ = ay, Z1_ = az let flip = 1 if(autoFlipNormals){ let d1_ = Math.hypot(X1_-X1,Y1_-Y1,Z1_-Z1) let d2_ = Math.hypot(X1-(ax + crs[0]/99),Y1-(ay + crs[1]/99),Z1-(az + crs[2]/99)) flip = d2_>d1_?-1:1 } let X2_ = ax + (crs[0]*=flip), Y2_ = ay + (crs[1]*=flip), Z2_ = az + (crs[2]*=flip) return [X1_, Y1_, Z1_, X2_, Y2_, Z2_] } lineFaceI = (X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, facet, autoFlipNormals=false, showNormals=false) => { let X_, Y_, Z_, d, m, l_,K,J,L,p let I_=(A,B,M,D,E,F,G,H)=>(K=((G-E)*(B-F)-(H-F)*(A-E))/(J=(H-F)*(M-A)-(G-E)*(D-B)))>=0&&K<=1&&(L=((M-A)*(B-F)-(D-B)*(A-E))/J)>=0&&L<=1?[A+K*(M-A),B+K*(D-B)]:0 let Q_=()=>[c.width/2+X_/Z_*600,c.height/2+Y_/Z_*600] let R_ = (Rl,Pt,Yw,m)=>{ let M=Math, A=M.atan2, H=M.hypot X_=S(p=A(X_,Y_)+Rl)*(d=H(X_,Y_)),Y_=C(p)*d,X_=S(p=A(X_,Z_)+Yw)*(d=H(X_,Z_)),Z_=C(p)*d,Y_=S(p=A(Y_,Z_)+Pt)*(d=H(Y_,Z_)),Z_=C(p)*d if(m){ X_+=oX,Y_+=oY,Z_+=oZ } } let rotSwitch = m =>{ switch(m){ case 0: R_(0,0,Math.PI/2); break case 1: R_(0,Math.PI/2,0); break case 2: R_(Math.PI/2,0,Math.PI/2); break } } let [X1_, Y1_, Z1_, X2_, Y2_, Z2_] = Normal(facet, autoFlipNormals, X1, Y1, Z1) if(showNormals){ x.beginPath() X_ = X1_, Y_ = Y1_, Z_ = Z1_ R_(Rl,Pt,Yw,1) if(Z_>0) x.lineTo(...Q_()) X_ = X2_, Y_ = Y2_, Z_ = Z2_ R_(Rl,Pt,Yw,1) if(Z_>0) x.lineTo(...Q_()) x.lineWidth = 5 x.strokeStyle='#f004' x.stroke() } let p1_ = Math.atan2(X2_-X1_,Z2_-Z1_) let p2_ = -(Math.acos((Y2_-Y1_)/(Math.hypot(X2_-X1_,Y2_-Y1_,Z2_-Z1_)+.001))+Math.PI/2) let isc = false, iscs = [false,false,false] X_ = X1, Y_ = Y1, Z_ = Z1 R_(0,-p2_,-p1_) let rx_ = X_, ry_ = Y_, rz_ = Z_ for(let m=3;m--;){ if(isc === false){ X_ = rx_, Y_ = ry_, Z_ = rz_ rotSwitch(m) X1_ = X_, Y1_ = Y_, Z1_ = Z_ = 5, X_ = X2, Y_ = Y2, Z_ = Z2 R_(0,-p2_,-p1_) rotSwitch(m) X2_ = X_, Y2_ = Y_, Z2_ = Z_,j_)=>{ if(isc === false){ let l = j_ X_ = facet[l][0], Y_ = facet[l][1], Z_ = facet[l][2] R_(0,-p2_,-p1_) rotSwitch(m) let X3_=X_, Y3_=Y_, Z3_=Z_ l = (j_+1)%facet.length X_ = facet[l][0], Y_ = facet[l][1], Z_ = facet[l][2] R_(0,-p2_,-p1_) rotSwitch(m) let X4_ = X_, Y4_ = Y_, Z4_ = Z_ if(l_=I_(X1_,Y1_,X2_,Y2_,X3_,Y3_,X4_,Y4_)) iscs[m] = l_ } }) } } if(iscs.filter(v=>v!==false).length==3){ let iscx = iscs[1][0], iscy = iscs[0][1], iscz = iscs[0][0] let pointInPoly = true ax=0, ay=0, az=0, j_)=>{ ax+=q_[0], ay+=q_[1], az+=q_[2] }) ax/=facet.length, ay/=facet.length, az/=facet.length X_ = ax, Y_ = ay, Z_ = az R_(0,-p2_,-p1_) X1_ = X_, Y1_ = Y_, Z1_ = Z_ X2_ = iscx, Y2_ = iscy, Z2_ = iscz,j_)=>{ if(pointInPoly){ let l = j_ X_ = facet[l][0], Y_ = facet[l][1], Z_ = facet[l][2] R_(0,-p2_,-p1_) let X3_ = X_, Y3_ = Y_, Z3_ = Z_ l = (j_+1)%facet.length X_ = facet[l][0], Y_ = facet[l][1], Z_ = facet[l][2] R_(0,-p2_,-p1_) let X4_ = X_, Y4_ = Y_, Z4_ = Z_ if(I_(X1_,Y1_,X2_,Y2_,X3_,Y3_,X4_,Y4_)) pointInPoly = false } }) if(pointInPoly){ X_ = iscx, Y_ = iscy, Z_ = iscz R_(0,p2_,0) R_(0,0,p1_) isc = [[X_,Y_,Z_], [crs[0],crs[1],crs[2]]] } } return isc } TruncatedOctahedron = ls => { let shp = [], a = [] mind = 6e6 for(let i=6;i--;){ X = S(p=Math.PI*2/6*i+Math.PI/6)*ls Y = C(p)*ls Z = 0 if(Y
{ X = v[0] Y = v[1] - mind Z = v[2] R(0,theta,0) v[0] = X v[1] = Y v[2] = Z+1.5 }) b = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a)).map(v=>{ v[1] *= -1 return v }) shp = [...shp, a, b] e = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(shp)).map(v=>{>{ X = q[0] Y = q[1] Z = q[2] R(0,0,Math.PI) q[0] = X q[1] = Y q[2] = Z }) return v }) shp = [...shp, ...e] e = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(shp)).map(v=>{>{ X = q[0] Y = q[1] Z = q[2] R(0,0,Math.PI/2) q[0] = X q[1] = Y q[2] = Z }) return v }) shp = [...shp, ...e] coords = [ [[3,1],[4,3],[4,4],[3,2]], [[3,4],[3,3],[2,4],[6,2]], [[1,4],[0,3],[0,4],[4,2]], [[1,1],[1,2],[6,4],[7,3]], [[3,5],[7,5],[1,5],[3,0]], [[2,5],[6,5],[0,5],[4,5]] ] a = []>{ b = []>{ X = shp[q[0]][q[1]][0] Y = shp[q[0]][q[1]][1] Z = shp[q[0]][q[1]][2] b = [...b, [X,Y,Z]] }) a = [...a, b] }) shp = [...shp, ...a] return>{>{ q[0]/=3 q[1]/=3 q[2]/=3 q[0]*=ls q[1]*=ls q[2]*=ls }) return v }) } Cylinder = (rw,cl,ls1,ls2) => { let a = [] for(let i=rw;i--;){ let b = [] for(let j=cl;j--;){ X = S(p=Math.PI*2/cl*j) * ls1 Y = (1/rw*i-.5)*ls2 Z = C(p) * ls1 b = [...b, [X,Y,Z]] } a = [...a, b] for(let j=cl;j--;){ b = [] X = S(p=Math.PI*2/cl*j) * ls1 Y = (1/rw*i-.5)*ls2 Z = C(p) * ls1 b = [...b, [X,Y,Z]] X = S(p=Math.PI*2/cl*(j+1)) * ls1 Y = (1/rw*i-.5)*ls2 Z = C(p) * ls1 b = [...b, [X,Y,Z]] X = S(p=Math.PI*2/cl*(j+1)) * ls1 Y = (1/rw*(i+1)-.5)*ls2 Z = C(p) * ls1 b = [...b, [X,Y,Z]] X = S(p=Math.PI*2/cl*j) * ls1 Y = (1/rw*(i+1)-.5)*ls2 Z = C(p) * ls1 b = [...b, [X,Y,Z]] a = [...a, b] } } b = [] for(let j=cl;j--;){ X = S(p=Math.PI*2/cl*j) * ls1 Y = ls2/2 Z = C(p) * ls1 b = [...b, [X,Y,Z]] } a = [...a, b] return a } Tetrahedron = size => { ret = [] a = [] let h = size/1.4142/1.25 for(i=3;i--;){ X = S(p=Math.PI*2/3*i) * size/1.25 Y = C(p) * size/1.25 Z = h a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] } ret = [...ret, a] for(j=3;j--;){ a = [] X = 0 Y = 0 Z = -h a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = S(p=Math.PI*2/3*j) * size/1.25 Y = C(p) * size/1.25 Z = h a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = S(p=Math.PI*2/3*(j+1)) * size/1.25 Y = C(p) * size/1.25 Z = h a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] ret = [...ret, a] } ax=ay=az=ct=0>{>{ ax+=q[0] ay+=q[1] az+=q[2] ct++ }) }) ax/=ct ay/=ct az/=ct>{>{ q[0]-=ax q[1]-=ay q[2]-=az }) }) return ret } Cube = size => { for(CB=[],j=6;j--;CB=[...CB,b])for(b=[],i=4;i--;)b=[...b,[(a=[S(p=Math.PI*2/4*i+Math.PI/4),C(p),2**.5/2])[j%3]*(l=j<3?size/1.5:-size/1.5),a[(j+1)%3]*l,a[(j+2)%3]*l]] return CB } Octahedron = size => { ret = [] let h = size/1.25 for(j=8;j--;){ a = [] X = 0 Y = 0 Z = h * (j<4?-1:1) a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = S(p=Math.PI*2/4*j) * size/1.25 Y = C(p) * size/1.25 Z = 0 a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = S(p=Math.PI*2/4*(j+1)) * size/1.25 Y = C(p) * size/1.25 Z = 0 a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] ret = [...ret, a] } return ret } Dodecahedron = size => { ret = [] a = [] mind = -6e6 for(i=5;i--;){ X=S(p=Math.PI*2/5*i + Math.PI/5) Y=C(p) Z=0 if(Y>mind) mind=Y a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] }>{ X = v[0] Y = v[1]-=mind Z = v[2] R(0, .553573, 0) v[0] = X v[1] = Y v[2] = Z }) b = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(a))>{ v[1] *= -1 }) ret = [...ret, a, b] mind = -6e6>{>{ X = q[0] Y = q[1] Z = q[2] if(Z>mind)mind = Z }) }) d1=Math.hypot(ret[0][0][0]-ret[0][1][0],ret[0][0][1]-ret[0][1][1],ret[0][0][2]-ret[0][1][2])>{>{ q[2]-=mind+d1/2 }) }) b = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ret))>{>{ q[2]*=-1 }) }) ret = [...ret, ...b] b = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ret))>{>{ X = q[0] Y = q[1] Z = q[2] R(0,0,Math.PI/2) R(0,Math.PI/2,0) q[0] = X q[1] = Y q[2] = Z }) }) e = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ret))>{>{ X = q[0] Y = q[1] Z = q[2] R(0,0,Math.PI/2) R(Math.PI/2,0,0) q[0] = X q[1] = Y q[2] = Z }) }) ret = [...ret, ...b, ...e]>{>{ q[0] *= size/2 q[1] *= size/2 q[2] *= size/2 }) }) return ret } Icosahedron = size => { ret = [] let B = [ [[0,3],[1,0],[2,2]], [[0,3],[1,0],[1,3]], [[0,3],[2,3],[1,3]], [[0,2],[2,1],[1,0]], [[0,2],[1,3],[1,0]], [[0,2],[1,3],[2,0]], [[0,3],[2,2],[0,0]], [[1,0],[2,2],[2,1]], [[1,1],[2,2],[2,1]], [[1,1],[2,2],[0,0]], [[1,1],[2,1],[0,1]], [[0,2],[2,1],[0,1]], [[2,0],[1,2],[2,3]], [[0,0],[0,3],[2,3]], [[1,3],[2,0],[2,3]], [[2,3],[0,0],[1,2]], [[1,2],[2,0],[0,1]], [[0,0],[1,2],[1,1]], [[0,1],[1,2],[1,1]], [[0,2],[2,0],[0,1]], ] for(p=[1,1],i=38;i--;)p=[...p,p[l=p.length-1]+p[l-1]] phi = p[l]/p[l-1] a = [ [-phi,-1,0], [phi,-1,0], [phi,1,0], [-phi,1,0], ] for(j=3;j--;ret=[...ret, b])for(b=[],i=4;i--;) b = [...b, [a[i][j],a[i][(j+1)%3],a[i][(j+2)%3]]]>{>{ q[0]*=size/2.25 q[1]*=size/2.25 q[2]*=size/2.25 }) }) cp = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ret)) out=[] a = []>{ idx1a = v[0][0] idx2a = v[1][0] idx3a = v[2][0] idx1b = v[0][1] idx2b = v[1][1] idx3b = v[2][1] a = [...a, [cp[idx1a][idx1b],cp[idx2a][idx2b],cp[idx3a][idx3b]]] }) out = [...out, ...a] return out } stroke = (scol, fcol, lwo=1, od=true, oga=1) => { if(scol){ x.closePath() if(od) x.globalAlpha = .2*oga x.strokeStyle = scol x.lineWidth = Math.min(1000,100*lwo/Z) if(od) x.stroke() x.lineWidth /= 4 x.globalAlpha = 1*oga x.stroke() } if(fcol){ x.globalAlpha = 1*oga x.fillStyle = fcol x.fill() } x.globalAlpha = 1 } bezTo = (X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2,col1,col2,lw=1,dual=true,horizontal=true) => { if(horizontal){ Xa = X1 + (X2-X1)/3*2 Ya = Y1 Za = Z1 + (Z2-Z1)/3*2 Xb = X1 + (X2-X1)/3*1 Yb = Y2 Zb = Z1 + (Z2-Z1)/3*2 }else{ Xa = X1 Ya = Y1 + (Y2-Y1)/3*2 Za = Z1 + (Z2-Z1)/3*2 Xb = X2 Yb = Y1 + (Y2-Y1)/3*1 Zb = Z1 + (Z2-Z1)/3*2 } x.beginPath() X = X1 Y = Y1 Z = Z1 R(Rl,Pt,Yw,1) if(Z>0) x.moveTo(...Q()) X = Xa Y = Ya Z = Za R(Rl,Pt,Yw,1) if(Z>0) l1 = Q() X = Xb Y = Yb Z = Zb R(Rl,Pt,Yw,1) if(Z>0) l2 = Q() X = X2 Y = Y2 Z = Z2 R(Rl,Pt,Yw,1) if(Z>0) x.bezierCurveTo(...l1, ...l2, ...Q()) stroke(col1, col2, lw,dual) } subbed = (subs, size, sphereize, shape) => { for(let m=subs; m--;){ base = shape shape = []>{ l = 0 X1 = v[l][0] Y1 = v[l][1] Z1 = v[l][2] l = 1 X2 = v[l][0] Y2 = v[l][1] Z2 = v[l][2] l = 2 X3 = v[l][0] Y3 = v[l][1] Z3 = v[l][2] if(v.length > 3){ l = 3 X4 = v[l][0] Y4 = v[l][1] Z4 = v[l][2] if(v.length > 4){ l = 4 X5 = v[l][0] Y5 = v[l][1] Z5 = v[l][2] } } mx1 = (X1+X2)/2 my1 = (Y1+Y2)/2 mz1 = (Z1+Z2)/2 mx2 = (X2+X3)/2 my2 = (Y2+Y3)/2 mz2 = (Z2+Z3)/2 a = [] switch(v.length){ case 3: mx3 = (X3+X1)/2 my3 = (Y3+Y1)/2 mz3 = (Z3+Z1)/2 X = X1, Y = Y1, Z = Z1, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = mx1, Y = my1, Z = mz1, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = mx3, Y = my3, Z = mz3, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] shape = [...shape, a] a = [] X = mx1, Y = my1, Z = mz1, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = X2, Y = Y2, Z = Z2, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = mx2, Y = my2, Z = mz2, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] shape = [...shape, a] a = [] X = mx3, Y = my3, Z = mz3, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = mx2, Y = my2, Z = mz2, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = X3, Y = Y3, Z = Z3, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] shape = [...shape, a] a = [] X = mx1, Y = my1, Z = mz1, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = mx2, Y = my2, Z = mz2, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = mx3, Y = my3, Z = mz3, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] shape = [...shape, a] break case 4: mx3 = (X3+X4)/2 my3 = (Y3+Y4)/2 mz3 = (Z3+Z4)/2 mx4 = (X4+X1)/2 my4 = (Y4+Y1)/2 mz4 = (Z4+Z1)/2 cx = (X1+X2+X3+X4)/4 cy = (Y1+Y2+Y3+Y4)/4 cz = (Z1+Z2+Z3+Z4)/4 X = X1, Y = Y1, Z = Z1, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = mx1, Y = my1, Z = mz1, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = cx, Y = cy, Z = cz, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = mx4, Y = my4, Z = mz4, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] shape = [...shape, a] a = [] X = mx1, Y = my1, Z = mz1, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = X2, Y = Y2, Z = Z2, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = mx2, Y = my2, Z = mz2, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = cx, Y = cy, Z = cz, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] shape = [...shape, a] a = [] X = cx, Y = cy, Z = cz, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = mx2, Y = my2, Z = mz2, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = X3, Y = Y3, Z = Z3, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = mx3, Y = my3, Z = mz3, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] shape = [...shape, a] a = [] X = mx4, Y = my4, Z = mz4, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = cx, Y = cy, Z = cz, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = mx3, Y = my3, Z = mz3, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = X4, Y = Y4, Z = Z4, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] shape = [...shape, a] break case 5: cx = (X1+X2+X3+X4+X5)/5 cy = (Y1+Y2+Y3+Y4+Y5)/5 cz = (Z1+Z2+Z3+Z4+Z5)/5 mx3 = (X3+X4)/2 my3 = (Y3+Y4)/2 mz3 = (Z3+Z4)/2 mx4 = (X4+X5)/2 my4 = (Y4+Y5)/2 mz4 = (Z4+Z5)/2 mx5 = (X5+X1)/2 my5 = (Y5+Y1)/2 mz5 = (Z5+Z1)/2 X = X1, Y = Y1, Z = Z1, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = X2, Y = Y2, Z = Z2, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = cx, Y = cy, Z = cz, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] shape = [...shape, a] a = [] X = X2, Y = Y2, Z = Z2, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = X3, Y = Y3, Z = Z3, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = cx, Y = cy, Z = cz, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] shape = [...shape, a] a = [] X = X3, Y = Y3, Z = Z3, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = X4, Y = Y4, Z = Z4, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = cx, Y = cy, Z = cz, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] shape = [...shape, a] a = [] X = X4, Y = Y4, Z = Z4, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = X5, Y = Y5, Z = Z5, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = cx, Y = cy, Z = cz, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] shape = [...shape, a] a = [] X = X5, Y = Y5, Z = Z5, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = X1, Y = Y1, Z = Z1, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = cx, Y = cy, Z = cz, a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] shape = [...shape, a] a = [] break } }) } if(sphereize){ ip1 = sphereize ip2 = 1-sphereize shape =>{ v =>{ X = q[0] Y = q[1] Z = q[2] d = Math.hypot(X,Y,Z) X /= d Y /= d Z /= d X *= size*.75*ip1 + d*ip2 Y *= size*.75*ip1 + d*ip2 Z *= size*.75*ip1 + d*ip2 return [X,Y,Z] }) return v }) } return shape } subDividedIcosahedron = (size, subs, sphereize = 0) => subbed(subs, size, sphereize, Icosahedron(size)) subDividedTetrahedron = (size, subs, sphereize = 0) => subbed(subs, size, sphereize, Tetrahedron(size)) subDividedOctahedron = (size, subs, sphereize = 0) => subbed(subs, size, sphereize, Octahedron(size)) subDividedCube = (size, subs, sphereize = 0) => subbed(subs, size, sphereize, Cube(size)) subDividedDodecahedron = (size, subs, sphereize = 0) => subbed(subs, size, sphereize, Dodecahedron(size)) Rn = Math.random LsystemRecurse = (size, splits, p1, p2, stem, theta, LsystemReduction, twistFactor) => { if(size < .25) return let X1 = stem[0] let Y1 = stem[1] let Z1 = stem[2] let X2 = stem[3] let Y2 = stem[4] let Z2 = stem[5] let p1a = Math.atan2(X2-X1,Z2-Z1) let p2a = -Math.acos((Y2-Y1)/(Math.hypot(X2-X1,Y2-Y1,Z2-Z1)+.0001))+Math.PI size/=LsystemReduction for(let i=splits;i--;){ X = 0 Y = -size Z = 0 R(0, theta, 0) R(0, 0, Math.PI*2/splits*i+twistFactor) R(0, p2a, 0) R(0, 0, p1a+twistFactor) X+=X2 Y+=Y2 Z+=Z2 let newStem = [X2, Y2, Z2, X, Y, Z] Lshp = [...Lshp, newStem] LsystemRecurse(size, splits, p1+Math.PI*2/splits*i+twistFactor, p2+theta, newStem, theta, LsystemReduction, twistFactor) } } DrawLsystem = shp => {>{ x.beginPath() X = v[0] Y = v[1] Z = v[2] R(Rl,Pt,Yw,1) if(Z>0)x.lineTo(...Q()) X = v[3] Y = v[4] Z = v[5] R(Rl,Pt,Yw,1) if(Z>0)x.lineTo(...Q()) lwo = Math.hypot(v[0]-v[3],v[1]-v[4],v[2]-v[5])*4 stroke('#0f82','',lwo) }) } Lsystem = (size, splits, theta, LsystemReduction, twistFactor) => { Lshp = [] stem = [0,0,0,0,-size,0] Lshp = [...Lshp, stem] LsystemRecurse(size, splits, 0, 0, stem, theta, LsystemReduction, twistFactor)>{ v[1]+=size*1.5 v[4]+=size*1.5 }) return Lshp } Sphere = (ls, rw, cl) => { a = [] ls/=1.25 for(j = rw; j--;){ for(i = cl; i--;){ b = [] X = S(p = Math.PI*2/cl*i) * S(q = Math.PI/rw*j) * ls Y = C(q) * ls Z = C(p) * S(q) * ls b = [...b, [X,Y,Z]] X = S(p = Math.PI*2/cl*(i+1)) * S(q = Math.PI/rw*j) * ls Y = C(q) * ls Z = C(p) * S(q) * ls b = [...b, [X,Y,Z]] X = S(p = Math.PI*2/cl*(i+1)) * S(q = Math.PI/rw*(j+1)) * ls Y = C(q) * ls Z = C(p) * S(q) * ls b = [...b, [X,Y,Z]] X = S(p = Math.PI*2/cl*i) * S(q = Math.PI/rw*(j+1)) * ls Y = C(q) * ls Z = C(p) * S(q) * ls b = [...b, [X,Y,Z]] a = [...a, b] } } return a } Torus = (rw, cl, ls1, ls2, parts=1, twists=0, part_spacing=1.5) => { let ret = [], tx=0, ty=0, tz=0, prl1 = 0, p2a = 0 let tx1 = 0, ty1 = 0, tz1 = 0, prl2 = 0, p2b = 0, tx2 = 0, ty2 = 0, tz2 = 0 for(let m=parts;m--;){ avgs = Array(rw).fill().map(v=>[0,0,0]) for(j=rw;j--;)for(let i = cl;i--;){ if(parts>1){ ls3 = ls1*part_spacing X = S(p=Math.PI*2/parts*m) * ls3 Y = C(p) * ls3 Z = 0 R(prl1 = Math.PI*2/rw*(j-1)*twists,0,0) tx1 = X ty1 = Y tz1 = Z R(0, 0, Math.PI*2/rw*(j-1)) ax1 = X ay1 = Y az1 = Z X = S(p=Math.PI*2/parts*m) * ls3 Y = C(p) * ls3 Z = 0 R(prl2 = Math.PI*2/rw*(j)*twists,0,0) tx2 = X ty2 = Y tz2 = Z R(0, 0, Math.PI*2/rw*j) ax2 = X ay2 = Y az2 = Z p1a = Math.atan2(ax2-ax1,az2-az1) p2a = Math.PI/2+Math.acos((ay2-ay1)/(Math.hypot(ax2-ax1,ay2-ay1,az2-az1)+.001)) X = S(p=Math.PI*2/parts*m) * ls3 Y = C(p) * ls3 Z = 0 R(Math.PI*2/rw*(j)*twists,0,0) tx1b = X ty1b = Y tz1b = Z R(0, 0, Math.PI*2/rw*j) ax1b = X ay1b = Y az1b = Z X = S(p=Math.PI*2/parts*m) * ls3 Y = C(p) * ls3 Z = 0 R(Math.PI*2/rw*(j+1)*twists,0,0) tx2b = X ty2b = Y tz2b = Z R(0, 0, Math.PI*2/rw*(j+1)) ax2b = X ay2b = Y az2b = Z p1b = Math.atan2(ax2b-ax1b,az2b-az1b) p2b = Math.PI/2+Math.acos((ay2b-ay1b)/(Math.hypot(ax2b-ax1b,ay2b-ay1b,az2b-az1b)+.001)) } a = [] X = S(p=Math.PI*2/cl*i) * ls1 Y = C(p) * ls1 Z = 0 //R(0,0,-p1a) R(prl1,p2a,0) X += ls2 + tx1, Y += ty1, Z += tz1 R(0, 0, Math.PI*2/rw*j) a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = S(p=Math.PI*2/cl*(i+1)) * ls1 Y = C(p) * ls1 Z = 0 //R(0,0,-p1a) R(prl1,p2a,0) X += ls2 + tx1, Y += ty1, Z += tz1 R(0, 0, Math.PI*2/rw*j) a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = S(p=Math.PI*2/cl*(i+1)) * ls1 Y = C(p) * ls1 Z = 0 //R(0,0,-p1b) R(prl2,p2b,0) X += ls2 + tx2, Y += ty2, Z += tz2 R(0, 0, Math.PI*2/rw*(j+1)) a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] X = S(p=Math.PI*2/cl*i) * ls1 Y = C(p) * ls1 Z = 0 //R(0,0,-p1b) R(prl2,p2b,0) X += ls2 + tx2, Y += ty2, Z += tz2 R(0, 0, Math.PI*2/rw*(j+1)) a = [...a, [X,Y,Z]] ret = [...ret, a] } } return ret } G_ = 1e5, iSTc = 1e4 ST = Array(iSTc).fill().map(v=>{ X = (Rn()-.5)*G_ Y = (-Rn()/2)*G_ + G_/10 Z = (Rn()-.5)*G_ return [X,Y,Z] }) burst = new Image() burst.src = "" starsLoaded = false, starImgs = [{loaded: false}] starImgs = Array(9).fill().map((v,i) => { let a = {img: new Image(), loaded: false} a.img.onload = () => { a.loaded = true setTimeout(()=>{ if(starImgs.filter(v=>v.loaded).length == 9) starsLoaded = true }, 0) } a.img.src = `${i+1}.png` return a }) showstars = true drawThruster = (tx_, ty_, tz_, rl, pt, yw, length=1) => { let shps = [], tx, ty, tz let iShpc = 6, ct, col1, col2 for(let i=iShpc;i--;){ let ls = (.5+i/4)**2 X = 0 Y = ls*4 * length Z = 0 R(rl, pt, yw) tx = X ty = Y tz = Z ct = 0 shps = [...shps, [tx,ty,tz,Cylinder(4,6,3*ls,hgt=8*ls).map(v=>{>{ X = q[0] Y = q[1]*length Z = q[2] p = Math.atan2(X,Z) d = Math.hypot(X,Z) rad = (1+C(Math.PI/1.25/hgt*Y+Math.PI/3)) * (1+d/4)/2 X = S(p) * rad Z = C(p) * rad R(rl,pt,yw) q[0] = X + tx_ q[1] = Y + ty_ q[2] = Z + tz_ }) ct++ return v })]] }, idx) => { tx = shp[0] ty = shp[1] tz = shp[2] shp[3].map(v=>{ x.beginPath()>{ X = q[0]+tx Y = q[1]+ty Z = q[2]+tz R(Rl,Pt,Yw,1) if(Z>0) x.lineTo(...Q()) }) col1 = col2 = `hsla(${Math.max(0,-20+360/shps.length*idx/2.5)},99%,${Math.max(50,25+(100/shps.length*idx)**2/80)}%,${.5/shps.length*(.5+idx)})` stroke(col1,col2,1, true) }) }) } landG = 4000 } //oX-=C(t/4)*10, oY=0, oZ+=70 + Math.min(70,Math.max(-70,(.3-S(t/2))*500)) oX=0 oY=0 oZ=32 //Rl=t/4, Pt=-t/2, Yw=C(t/2)*8 Rl = 0 Pt = -t/2 Yw = t x.globalAlpha = 1 x.fillStyle='#0008' x.fillRect(0,0,c.width,c.height) x.lineJoin = x.lineCap = 'round' a = Math.PI/2 l = 1+C(t*1e3) drawThruster(-4,0,0,0,a,0,l) drawThruster(4,0,0,0,a,0,l) t+=1/60 requestAnimationFrame(Draw) } Draw()