Frontend Forever App
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Intall Later
New York
body { min-height: 100vh; margin: 0; display: grid; place-items: center; background: #c2e5f9; } .flight-component { --w: min(700px, 90vw); width: var(--w); display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; gap: 0.5em; font-family: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 200; font-size: 1.25rem; } /* Didn't nest this one, in case I wanted to use the input by itself without the div/span structure (in that case: add width!!) */ .flight-component input, input.flight { --bg: #6c6c84; --scale: clamp(1, calc(1 + 0.5 * sin(pi * var(--val) / 100)), 2); --shadow: clamp(0.15em, calc(1em * sin(pi * var(--val) / 100)), 1em); --opacity: clamp(0.2, calc(1 - sin(pi * var(--val) / 100)), 0.4); --color: rgb(0 0 0 / var(--opacity)); --primary: #f0f4fc; --secondary: #b55; --val: 0; --height: 3em; appearance: none; container-type: inline-size; flex: 1; height: var(--height); border: none; /* Firefox adds a default border */ border-radius: 10em; position: relative; background: radial-gradient(circle at 0.35em 50%, var(--bg) 0.35em, #0000 0) no-repeat, radial-gradient(circle at calc(100% - 0.35em) 50%, var(--bg) 0.35em, #0000 0) no-repeat, linear-gradient(#0000 45%, var(--bg) 0 55%, #0000 0) 50% 50% / 99% 100%, #f000; border: 0; /* the ::before and ::after won't work on Firefox for input range, so only use for decoration on the other browsers */ &::before { content: ""; width: calc(var(--val) * 1%); min-width: 0.5em; height: 100%; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; background: radial-gradient(circle at 0.35em 50%, #000 0.35em, #0000 0) no-repeat, linear-gradient(#0000 45%, #000 0 55%, #0000 0) 50% 50% / calc(100% - 1em) 100% no-repeat, #f000; } &::after { content: ""; width: 100%; height: 12em; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 0; transform: translate(0, -50%); pointer-events: none; background: /* cloud 1 */ radial-gradient(3% 20% at 50% 20%, #fff 40%, #0000 0), radial-gradient(3% 20% at 52.5% 13%, #fff 40%, #0000 0), radial-gradient(2% 20% at 51% 10%, #fff 40%, #0000 0), radial-gradient(2.5% 20% at 51.5% 27%, #fff 50%, #0000 0), radial-gradient(2% 20% at 53% 23%, #fff 60%, #0000 0), radial-gradient(4% 40% at 55% 20%, #fff 40%, #0000 0), /* cloud 2 */ radial-gradient(3% 20% at 40% 80%, #fff 40%, #0000 0), radial-gradient(3% 20% at 42.5% 87%, #fff 40%, #0000 0), radial-gradient(2% 20% at 41% 90%, #fff 40%, #0000 0), radial-gradient(2.5% 20% at 41.5% 72%, #fff 50%, #0000 0), radial-gradient(2% 20% at 43% 73%, #fff 60%, #0000 0), radial-gradient(4% 40% at 40% 78%, #fff 40%, #0000 0); background-size: 300% 100%; background-position: calc(var(--val) * 1%) 0; -webkit-mask: linear-gradient(90deg, #0000, #0008 35% 65%, #0000); mask: linear-gradient(90deg, #0000, #0008 35% 65%, #0000); } /* track for Chrome and Safari (Firefox is ok) */ &::-webkit-slider-runnable-track { height: 100%; /* so the plane is above the clouds */ position: relative; z-index: 1; } /* Thumb for Chrome and Safari */ &::-webkit-slider-thumb { -webkit-appearance: none; /* Override default look */ appearance: none; transform: translateY(calc(-50% + var(--height) / 2)) scale(var(--scale)); width: 4em; aspect-ratio: 1; pointer-events: none; background: linear-gradient(var(--secondary) 0 0) 2% 50% / 13% 2.5% no-repeat, /* main frame */ conic-gradient(at -40% 50%, #0000 84.75deg, var(--primary) 85deg 95deg, #0000 95.25deg) 0 0 / 80% 100%, /* pilot */ radial-gradient(closest-side circle at calc(100% - 0.85em) 50%, #9cf 0.3em, #0000 0), radial-gradient(20% 10% at 80% 50%, var(--primary) 99%, #0000), /* tail */ conic-gradient(at 45% -45%, #0000 150deg, var(--secondary) 151deg 174deg, #0000 175deg) -50% 40% / 53% 20%, conic-gradient(at 45% 145%, #0000 5deg, var(--secondary) 6deg 29deg, #0000 30deg) -50% 60% / 53% 20%, /* wings */ conic-gradient(at 38% -45%, #0000 158deg, var(--secondary) 158.5deg 174deg, #0000 174.5deg) 0 0 / 100% 50%, conic-gradient(at 38% 145%, #0000 5deg, var(--secondary) 5.5deg 21deg, #0000 21.5deg) 0 100% / 100% 50%, /* engines */ radial-gradient(80% 50%, #000 99%, #0000) 51% 22% / 21% 11%, radial-gradient(80% 50%, #000 99%, #0000) 51% 78% / 21% 11%; background-repeat: no-repeat; border-radius: 20% / 100%; filter: drop-shadow(calc(var(--shadow) * 2) calc(var(--shadow) * 1.25) var(--shadow) var(--color)); box-shadow: none; /* Safari adds a box-shadow when using drop-shadow on iOS, remove manually */ } /* Thumb for Firefox */ &::-moz-range-thumb { -webkit-appearance: none; /* Override default look */ appearance: none; transform: scale(var(--scale)); width: 4em; height: 4em; border: none; pointer-events: none; background: linear-gradient(var(--secondary) 0 0) 2% 50% / 13% 2.5% no-repeat, /* main frame */ conic-gradient(at -40% 50%, #0000 84.75deg, var(--primary) 85deg 95deg, #0000 95.25deg) 0 0 / 80% 100%, /* pilot */ radial-gradient(closest-side circle at calc(100% - 0.85em) 50%, #9cf 0.3em, #0000 0), radial-gradient(20% 10% at 80% 50%, var(--primary) 99%, #0000), /* tail */ conic-gradient(at 45% -45%, #0000 150deg, var(--secondary) 151deg 174deg, #0000 175deg) -50% 40% / 53% 20%, conic-gradient(at 45% 145%, #0000 5deg, var(--secondary) 6deg 29deg, #0000 30deg) -50% 60% / 53% 20%, /* wings */ conic-gradient(at 38% -45%, #0000 158deg, var(--secondary) 158.5deg 174deg, #0000 174.5deg) 0 0 / 100% 50%, conic-gradient(at 38% 145%, #0000 5deg, var(--secondary) 5.5deg 21deg, #0000 21.5deg) 0 100% / 100% 50%, /* engines */ radial-gradient(80% 50%, #000 99%, #0000) 51% 22% / 21% 11%, radial-gradient(80% 50%, #000 99%, #0000) 51% 78% / 21% 11%; background-repeat: no-repeat; border-radius: 20% / 100%; filter: drop-shadow(calc(var(--shadow) * 2) calc(var(--shadow) * 1.25) var(--shadow) var(--color)); box-shadow: none; } } @media (prefers-contrast: more) { .flight-component input, input.flight { &::-webkit-slider-runnable-track { border: 2px solid #666; height: 0; } &::-webkit-slider-thumb { transform: translateY(-50%) scale(var(--scale)); box-sizing: border-box; border: 2em solid Highlight; clip-path: polygon(0.00% 47.00%,3.00% 46.62%,0.88% 31.62%,5.38% 31.25%,13.38% 45.75%,44.38% 42.50%,43.00% 29.50%,40.25% 29.00%,40.00% 21.50%,42.75% 20.88%,40.00% 0.00%,47.12% 0.12%,55.00% 19.88%,60.88% 19.88%,60.88% 29.12%,58.88% 29.38%,63.75% 40.62%,81.75% 39.75%,88.00% 40.38%,93.00% 42.00%,97.25% 44.38%,99.25% 46.62%,100.00% 50.00%,99.25% 53.38%,97.25% 55.62%,93.00% 58.00%,88.00% 59.62%,81.75% 60.25%,63.75% 59.38%,58.88% 70.62%,60.88% 70.88%,60.88% 80.12%,55.00% 80.12%,47.12% 100.00%,40.00% 100.00%,42.75% 79.12%,40.00% 78.50%,40.25% 71.00%,43.00% 70.50%,44.38% 57.50%,13.38% 54.25%,5.38% 68.75%,0.88% 68.38%,3.00% 53.38%,0.00% 53.00%); } &::-moz-range-track { border: 2px solid #000; height: 0; } &::-moz-range-thumb { box-sizing: border-box; border: 2em solid Highlight; clip-path: polygon(0.00% 47.00%,3.00% 46.62%,0.88% 31.62%,5.38% 31.25%,13.38% 45.75%,44.38% 42.50%,43.00% 29.50%,40.25% 29.00%,40.00% 21.50%,42.75% 20.88%,40.00% 0.00%,47.12% 0.12%,55.00% 19.88%,60.88% 19.88%,60.88% 29.12%,58.88% 29.38%,63.75% 40.62%,81.75% 39.75%,88.00% 40.38%,93.00% 42.00%,97.25% 44.38%,99.25% 46.62%,100.00% 50.00%,99.25% 53.38%,97.25% 55.62%,93.00% 58.00%,88.00% 59.62%,81.75% 60.25%,63.75% 59.38%,58.88% 70.62%,60.88% 70.88%,60.88% 80.12%,55.00% 80.12%,47.12% 100.00%,40.00% 100.00%,42.75% 79.12%,40.00% 78.50%,40.25% 71.00%,43.00% 70.50%,44.38% 57.50%,13.38% 54.25%,5.38% 68.75%,0.88% 68.38%,3.00% 53.38%,0.00% 53.00%); } } } /* the clouds look bad in smaller screens, hide them */ @container (max-width: 400px) { .flight-component input, input.flight { &::after { display: none; } /* replace the place with a helicopter */ &::-webkit-slider-thumb { width: 3em; background: /* rotors */ radial-gradient(closest-side circle at 50% 50%, var(--secondary) 10%, #0001 11% 90%, #0000 91%) 100% 50% / 90% 90%, radial-gradient(closest-side circle at 50% 50%, #0000 0 20%, #0001 0 40%, #0000 0 60%, #0001 0 80%, #0000 0) 100% 50% / 91% 91%, /* main frame */ conic-gradient(at -65% 50%, #0000 84.75deg, var(--primary) 85deg 95deg, #0000 95.25deg) 0 0 / 80% 100%, /* pilot */ radial-gradient(farthest-side circle at calc(100% - 0.5em) 50%, #9cf 0.4em, #0000 0), radial-gradient(25% 20% at 75% 50%, var(--primary) 99%, #0000), /* tail */ conic-gradient(at 45% -45%, #0000 150deg, var(--secondary) 151deg 174deg, #0000 175deg) -49% 40% / 53% 25%, conic-gradient(at 45% 145%, #0000 5deg, var(--secondary) 6deg 29deg, #0000 30deg) -49% 60% / 53% 25%, /* legs? */ linear-gradient(#000 0 0) 100% 33% / 60% 4%, linear-gradient(#000 0 0) 100% 67% / 60% 4% ; background-repeat: no-repeat; } &::-moz-range-thumb { width: 3em; height: 3em; background: /* rotors */ radial-gradient(closest-side circle at 55% 50%, var(--secondary) 10%, #0001 11% 90%, #0000 91%), radial-gradient(closest-side circle at 50% 50%, #0000 0 20%, #0001 0 40%, #0000 0 60%, #0001 0 80%, #0000 0) 50% 50% / 91% 91%, /* main frame */ conic-gradient(at -65% 50%, #0000 84.75deg, var(--primary) 85deg 95deg, #0000 95.25deg) 0 0 / 80% 100%, /* pilot */ radial-gradient(farthest-side circle at calc(100% - 0.5em) 50%, #9cf 0.4em, #0000 0), radial-gradient(25% 20% at 75% 50%, var(--primary) 99%, #0000), /* tail */ conic-gradient(at 45% -45%, #0000 150deg, var(--secondary) 151deg 174deg, #0000 175deg) -49% 40% / 53% 25%, conic-gradient(at 45% 145%, #0000 5deg, var(--secondary) 6deg 29deg, #0000 30deg) -49% 60% / 53% 25%, /* legs? */ linear-gradient(#000 0 0) 100% 33% / 60% 4%, linear-gradient(#000 0 0) 100% 67% / 60% 4% ; background-repeat: no-repeat; } } }
console.log("Event Fired")