Frontend Forever App
We have a mobile app for you to download and use. And you can unlock many features in the app.
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body { display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: center; align-items: center; min-height: 100vh; font-size: 2em; gap: 1em; } .toggle-container { --inactive-color: #d3d3d6; position: relative; aspect-ratio: 292/142; height: 1.875em; } .toggle-container:nth-child(1) { --active-color: #35c759; } .toggle-container:nth-child(2) { --active-color: #1868e3; } .toggle-input { appearance: none; margin: 0; position: absolute; z-index: 1; top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; cursor: pointer; } .toggle { width: 100%; height: 100%; overflow: visible; } .toggle-background { fill: var(--inactive-color); transition: fill 0.4s; } .toggle-input:checked + .toggle .toggle-background { fill: var(--active-color); } .toggle-circle-center { transform-origin: center; transition: transform 0.6s; } .toggle-input:checked + .toggle .toggle-circle-center { transform: translateX(150px); } .toggle-circle { transform-origin: center; backface-visibility: hidden; transition: transform 0.45s; } .toggle-circle.left { transform: scale(1); } .toggle-input:checked + .toggle .toggle-circle.left { transform: scale(0); } .toggle-circle.right { transform: scale(0); } .toggle-input:checked + .toggle .toggle-circle.right { transform: scale(1); } .toggle-icon { transition: fill 0.4s; } .toggle-icon.on { fill: var(--inactive-color); } .toggle-input:checked + .toggle .toggle-icon.on { fill: #fff; } { fill: #eaeaec; } .toggle-input:checked + .toggle { fill: var(--active-color); }